What do you eat when you are sad?

@tarapot (144)
January 22, 2010 4:08am CST
We normally experience being sad. We certainly have ways to cheer ourselves up and even make ourself forget the loneliness. I eat ice cream and chocolates when I am sad and it make me feel better. How about you? What do you eat when you are lonely?
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9 responses
@Torunn (8607)
• Norway
22 Jan 10
Chocolate! And coke. But I drink coke every day, and I try not to eat chocolate everyday. I'm not so keen on the ice-cream, I really like it, but if I want some consolation food it is definitly chocolate that's my first choice.
@tarapot (144)
• Philippines
22 Jan 10
I totally agree with you!!
• China
22 Jan 10
I like ice-cream!
• Southend-On-Sea, England
23 Jan 10
Lots of chocolate and lots of ice cream, although it making me feel better is short-lived and I can end up feeling worse further down the line.
@tarapot (144)
• Philippines
30 Jan 10
It is not a sin to eat some and taste some. We can eat chocolates moderately.
@pastorkayte (2255)
• United States
22 Jan 10
Nothing! Emotion eating causes me to be a very fat me. I stay away from foods that could cause me to not only be sad but depressed about being fat. I look for healthy alternatives if I succumb to emotion eating by enjoying soups and salad or some other substitute. However when sad food is not usually on my list.
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
22 Jan 10
Well that is certainly great for you. I guess its a nice way to erase the sadness in your part. However, in my case, I really do not have the appetite to eat anything. I guess I am really emotional. So when I am sad, I usually spend time alone inside my room to reflect. This usually eases out the sadness. When I am feeling well and happy that the best time to eat for me....
@tarapot (144)
• Philippines
26 Jan 10
Sometimes, when it is really hard for me, I eat while I am crying. :D
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
22 Jan 10
Of course, I eat chocolate when I am upset. That is if I can eat. Most of the times when my mood is off, I am unable to eat. Still when I do, chocolate is the best thing to eat. It never fails to calm my nerves in any situation. I eat some when I'm preparing for exams. It helps make me less nervous.
@tarapot (144)
• Philippines
26 Jan 10
For me, chocolates are the best thing to eat in every mood. I just find them very effective to lose my sadness.
@esjosh (912)
• India
22 Jan 10
When I am sad I don't like to eat anything. I just eat to prevent starvation, anything given to me. No choices while I am SAD!!!!!
@tarapot (144)
• Philippines
30 Jan 10
I suggest you eat chocolate even just a little, it will surely feel you better.
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
22 Jan 10
Hi tarapot. Pretty much nothing. When I am sad, depressed or stressed out, I don't have that much of an appetite. I never was a person to eat when I am sad. I am just not that hungry. I remember being an teenager once and when I was stressed out or when I would think about something stressful that would be going on in my life, I would not eat. I would be eating and once I start to think about the bad things then I will push my food away. I will put the remains in the refrigerator for later. I was very skinny and underweight then. I did this a lot. It was an habit. I was just that stressed out.
@arystine (1273)
• Philippines
22 Jan 10
I eat junkfoods and drink Coke Zero. It's my ultimate comfort food. :-) I eat this while relaxing on my bed, with my feet propped up the pillows and while reading an exciting novel. I do this to cheer myself up when am feeling down.
• Philippines
22 Jan 10
i don't eat if i am sad coz i;m not hungry.. water is fine with me.