Who will win the toss? India or Bangladesh?

January 23, 2010 10:16am CST
Tomorrow India is going to play the second test match against Bangladesh. Who is going to win the toss ? What should India choose if won the toss ?
6 responses
• India
23 Jan 10
Definitely i hope that India will won the toss and i hope that India will won this match.because our Indian bowlers are in good forms and the fielding side is pretty good. and i hope that dhoni will do the same job like the before test match.
• India
23 Jan 10
Thanx for your positive response. I too hope yoor predictions come true. Indian bowlers are in terrific form. Batsmen should have to perform better. India really deserved the number one test match team . Good luck.
• India
24 Jan 10
Bangladesh had won the toss and thereafter made a right mess of their batting.It was only due to the late rearguard action of Mahmadullah Riyadh that at least let them have some kind of a total on the board.India thereafter blazed away in true Viru- Gambhir fashion to a very quick 69 without loss.This match so far has been a one sided affair.
• India
23 Jan 10
I guess Bangladesh will win the toss and would elect to bat. Even if India wins the toss they would also do the same. They would also bat first. Any way its good for India cause Indian bowlers are performing pretty good now especially spinners like amit mishra. So i would like to see how the bowlers do if they field first.
• India
23 Jan 10
I think India will win the toss and will elect to bat first.Its good if India bats first so batsmen can score big runs in first innings.Its better if India win this match and will won the series 2-0 which is good for test match rankings
• India
23 Jan 10
i think India will win the toss. India should select batting if it won the toss because India's batting side is strong. India can make huge amount of runs.
• India
24 Jan 10
Dhoni is always lucky with the toss so India will definitely win the toss