Why do I still have doubts in my boyfriend?

January 26, 2010 9:13am CST
My boyfriend cheated on me in the initital part of the relationship. He was always being secretive and all his pass travels was he said for work. But that was the past a year ago. When I caught him cheating he asked me to marry him. Now it has pass 1 year and he has shown that he is sincerely true of his words. He bought a new house, he share with me most things that I needed to know. I love him sincerely but why do I still have doubts in him. Do I fear in marriage? Sometimes I do not know what to do. Please help.
1 response
@careguarden (5670)
• Philippines
27 Jan 10
Thank you for inviting me to be your friend. Oh, I'm sorry to hear that you'd been cheated by your boyfriend twice, if he cheated you twice there could be a greater possibility that he will do it again. But still, I don't have the right to judge your boyfriend. It's just my thought. Anyway, when it comes to marriage, you should take time and not hurry for doing such very important lifetime decision. Get to know him more, think a thousand times and balance everything, if you're ready and if he's the right guy for you. You know our feelings can be tricky, so be careful and don't forget to use your head. You need first to take all your doubts about his sincerity and love, you can't live someone whom you don't trust and if you do, your relationship will surely fall apart along the way. It might be good to take some time away from him and have a vacation, to clear up everything that bothers you. Or you can pray to God and ask Him guidance so He will give you light and so you can make a right decision. Anyway, I wish you all the best. I'm sure you'll come up the right decision. And thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!