Smoking for different purpose

@kevinll (967)
January 27, 2010 6:03am CST
Many people like to smoke. Some of them smoke after eating or drinking. Others like to smoke after doing something. My friend smoke too much, he often can smoke a box of cigarette or more per day, especially at night. When he think the methods of solving problem he want to smoke. If he feel more pressure he prefer to smoke. However I still think he smoke too much, even if he want to relax. How abou you?
3 responses
@elly1384 (352)
• Bulgaria
27 Jan 10
hi i am a smoker and i think that i smoke because i got used that for 5 years one of reasons that i can tell you about starting to smoke is that was modern when i was in school
@jugsjugs (12967)
27 Jan 10
I smoke,but my husband has given up now for over 2 years.Since he has given up he has put on soo much weight as well as has been ill alot more times.I have not given up as i am happy just having a few smokes a day.Alot of people smoke so that they do not put on weight where as some people feel like they need to smoke or they social smoke when they are with people.I have tried in the past to give up,but with no success.
@jalzay (29)
• India
27 Jan 10
Hobbies, habits, choices, interests and entertainment/relaxing are all human beings weeknesses. Therefore any of these activity in our life doesn't have good impact. I found most people have busy according either of these activities. So, smoking is also one such activity which doesn't have any other purpose than the wastage of resources: money, time, health, enviroment etc.