Personal prayer or novena?

@arystine (1273)
January 27, 2010 8:10pm CST
I like to pray a lot and communicate with God. Lately it feels as if I'm talking to God a lot. I have my own personal prayers and many of my requests to God have been granted because of my fervent personal prayers. I have nothing against novenas, as many people are really devotees and their prayers have been answered because of their faith and endurance while conducting novenas. What do you prefer,personal prayers to the Lord or specific novenas?
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9 responses
@bird123 (10632)
• United States
28 Jan 10
I don't understand why you have to make prayer so complicated. God hears it all and sees it all.Want to pray?? Open your mouth or merely think. It's that easy.
@arystine (1273)
• Philippines
28 Jan 10
I am not making praying so complicated. I am merely asking which do you prefer. And by your response it seems as if you prefer personal prayers.
@ghieptc (2522)
• Philippines
30 Jan 10
Personal Prayer is communicating with God, telling your needs & wants. Also praising him and feeding your spiritual life with the word of god which is the bible. Novenas is more on traditional worship. I prefer more personal prayer than novena. Is there novena this day?
@dhysanne (449)
• Philippines
28 Jan 10
Both are good. I always make my own personal prayer, and sometimes talk to Him when I'm alone as if I was talking to my best friend. Novenas are also good. We just always remember to put our mind and our heart when praying, not only reciting those novena prayer. God bless you!
@PastorP (1170)
• United States
29 Jan 10
Hi arystine. I go with personal prayer. Christ never asked we do novenas, nor are we directed to do so by the Holy Bible. I really have to go with personal prayer, for it is written... 1Ti 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; Ps 73:25 Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee.
@bystander (2292)
• Philippines
28 Jan 10
prayers are personal, they always are. even in collective prayers, where we chant the same prayers, our indulgences are strictly personal. novenas are the same, they are also prayers... but the most personal prayer is one done in one's secret garden...
@bystander (2292)
• Philippines
28 Jan 10
prayers are very personal, and they always are. it's our own way of talking to the great maker. even when done in masse, collectively in church or other places of worship, it remains personal. while we chant similar prayers, we implore individuals requests and personal thanks...
• Philippines
28 Jan 10
Hi arystine :) I do both.. :) Sometimes I pray the novena to St. Jude Thaddeus and I back it up with a personal prayer :) I think both are effective.. For me what's more important is that your prayers should coincide with God's will and you don't pray it just because you really want it to be granted or you're in dire need of answers to your prayers. :) For me my prayers are always addressed to God's will because I believe His decisions are still important than mine. :) Yes, I pray for the intercession of the angels and saints, but my faith still rests upon God's decisions :) So it's either a YES or a wait. :)
@LaurenInLA (2270)
• United States
28 Jan 10
I prefer personal prayer but I also do novenas from time to time. My daily prayers are personal but when I encounter a particularly challenging time in my life, I combine personal prayers with novenas.
@varron (453)
• Philippines
28 Jan 10
The purpose of the prayer is to talk to God. Personal prayers are good and novenas are also good. They both serve the purpose. Novenas are also prayers, only they are not personal. Why don't do the both? Often times people use to prayer personal prayers because it do consist of your personal wants and feelings talking with God, as well as personal prayers are also shorts compared to novenas that comes usually in long way. Its up to us how we should we pray, the important is we serve the purpose, to pray to God and talk to him. Praying to God is not really just for asking him of all we want. Most of the people pray to God for them to have their wants in life. They usually call to God for blessings, may be physical,emotional,financial and others. We should realize that prayer is not just for asking. It should include praise and thanksgiving. Praising God for his majesty and greatness as our God, and thanks him for all the blessings that we receive in our life.