Is virginity an issue between partners?

January 28, 2010 2:43am CST
Just want to hear your side on this issue. I have a friend. She and her boyfriend are together for i think a year now. She opened up to me that her boyfriend wouldn't dare touch her for he treasures her so much that he is waiting for their forst night together after they get married. they are planning to settle down and get married this year. my friend is afraid now of losing her boyfriend if she's gonna tell him that she gave up her virginity a long time ago...
1 response
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
28 Jan 10
If she isnt comfortable enough telling him that AND/OR if he would get upset over it then maybe they really arent meant to be together..I'm sorry i realize that sounds harsh but this is a MAJOR thing...not so much the fact that she's not a virgin anymore but the fact that he may not be able to accept that and the fact that she is keeping it secret..Its obviously a big thing for him which makes the secret HUGE...which also would make their wedding night a lie to some extent...I think that if she RESPECTS HIM as he does her, she should be telling him the truth and hopefully they really DO love each other completely enough that they can work through it.