Do you cry when you failed a quiz or exam? :-)

January 30, 2010 9:55pm CST
Hahahaha.. this sounds a silly question.. Not that I don't accept failure.. but I sometimes have the tendency to cry so much over a failed quiz or major exam especially when I know I did my best in it but still got a failing mark.. But if I know I didn't review for that subject, I will find a classmate who got a low mark and we will be both happy that we both have each other with the same situation.. hahaha =) This is my last term in college and I have been always like this since elementary. Haha. So how about you? Do you cry over a failed quiz or exam?? ;-) Everyone feel free to answer.. share your experiences regarding this topic =)
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52 responses
@happy2512 (1266)
• Philippines
31 Jan 10
Crying is letting go of our fears, sadness or even the reason that we are happy but its a normal reaction to cry everytime we are sad so that we can let go of the sadness of failure but once we cried our heart out then everything is easier to deal with now. We have to accept it & move on.
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• Philippines
31 Jan 10
Thanks for responding friend and God bless :D
• China
31 Jan 10
I have never ever cried beacause of exams failed.I think that failure is the mother of success.Perhaps the failure of this examination is an important experience to success.Therefore, we should not ever cried because of test failures.
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• Philippines
31 Jan 10
I agree liuliu :) take care and God bless you
@vinslounge (1295)
• India
31 Jan 10
I willl definitely get frustrated if I fail in a quiz or exam but I never cry for that. True that some people cry if they fail in the examination to vent out their anger or agony but it is not applicable to all. Have a nice day and happy discussion at mylot. Cheers.
• Philippines
31 Jan 10
Thanks vinslounge ;) take care and God bless
• China
31 Jan 10
Honestly,i never cried for over exam failures.Because I think there will always be a high test scores are low.If you try your best,even if failed,nor is disgraceful,do not cry,just like I remember next time to redouble our efforts.
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• Philippines
31 Jan 10
no im not crying even if my score is zero . i never cry because first of all i do expected to got that score in my all quiz or exam. it doesn't for me.
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• Philippines
31 Jan 10
Thanks mlno ;) take care and God bless
• Nigeria
31 Jan 10
No,I don't cry when I fail exams or quiz.Next time I know I have to prepare well
• Philippines
31 Jan 10
Thanks for responding friend and God bless :D
@ElicBxn (63307)
• United States
31 Jan 10
I seldom failed tests, never did really GREAT on them, but the only time I failed I kind of accepted that it was going to happen before I got the grade. Worse semester ever? The fall I totaled a car on the freeway
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@ElicBxn (63307)
• United States
31 Jan 10
I graduated from college in 1975. I loved most of my history classes, and history related classes - including History of the English Language, Art History, Greek Mythology. I enjoyed a lot of my electives, and I finally got in a couple of semesters of Horseback riding - really liked that one! I retook the one class I failed and the 2 classes I got "D"s in from that semester - had to take some summer classes to get caught up - also made a "D" in economics - too much math for me.
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• Philippines
31 Jan 10
Whoa... must be really a worst semester.. Just a question, do you like your course?? :|
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@cream97 (29087)
• United States
31 Jan 10
Hi, cecilllecarmela. No, not in front of anyone, I haven't. But I know that I would want to burst into tears though. Behind closed doors I will shed a few tears. I know that inside I cried silently. That is how I seem to deal with my pain. It is very sad when we fail something that we know that we studied hard for. I have been in this situation many of times in my life. And I can tell you that is is a hurting feeling. Crying relives stress, anger and disappointment. So it is okay, to cry when you are feeling sad, unhappy, happy and upset.
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• Philippines
31 Jan 10
Thanks for seeing it that way :) I love you soo much for that hahaha :) thanks cream and God bless :) I'm really sensitive when it comes to my studies because many people expect a lot from my education. For me it's harder to move on in a failed exam that I worked so hard for than a break up with a lover. Thanks for understanding and telling me that it's okay to cry sometimes.. definitely not in front of people.
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
31 Jan 10
hello cecillecarmela, actually i don't remember any incidence that i cry after failing an exam! not even when i get a failing mark in one of my subject in college...huh! i just accept it as it is and moved on... well, of course i feel sad but i don't cry, even when i shifted to another course because one prof gives me a failing grade without consideration just because of some incident that even push me in shifting to another course...its kinda frustrating but its ok. i am just sad in a few days but after that i am even more happy! haha
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• Philippines
31 Jan 10
It's good to know that you still keep your cool with these situations.. :)I admire you for that :) take care and God bless
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
1 Feb 10
thanks! hehe actually i just feel like nothing will change nor good things to happen even if i cry a river! haha so better to accept it & move on and just do good the next time...
• India
31 Jan 10
no i dont cried but i got very much dissapointed and depressed when i failed in a public exam
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• Philippines
31 Jan 10
Thanks for responding friend and God bless :D
• Philippines
31 Jan 10
Your topic brings me back to my college days, where a failed mark is not at all unusual in our course. LOL. I don't think I have ever cried over a failed quiz though, cause I know that when I fail, it only means that I didn't study hard enough, and that there will always be a next time. There was one time though that I cried really hard, that was when a professor ripped my team's report in front of the whole class, with the folder and all. hehehehe. I can't forget his face while he was ripping our report, and my shock during those time...
• Philippines
31 Jan 10
Reallyyyy??? he did that??? that's soooo mean!!! he has no idea how much a sudent works hard for a project.. :( i haven't experienced it yet but when i do well i'll report the teacher to authorities and will definitely do something about it!! it's isn't fair at all..
• Philippines
1 Feb 10
Yep. I really worked hard on that report.. Anyway, after that I told myself that I would work even harder, and ever since it has been an inspiration to me, so no hard feelings there. Hehehe.
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@bystander (2292)
• Philippines
31 Jan 10
cecillecarmela, tears after a failed exam or quiz is the result of unfulfilled expectations... say, you studied hard, making you very confident on the day of the test... then, suddenly you see the "wrong" questions -- those you haven't reviewed... ahh, burning candles deep into the night... and it goes to naught... without intending, tears may roll down your cheeks...
• Philippines
31 Jan 10
I agree.. but I don't know I'm just so sensitive with studies that I tend to cry when I know I worked so hard for it and failed.. A break-up with boyfriend is easier to handle than failure in studies.
@bystander (2292)
• Philippines
1 Feb 10
cecillecarmela, we're only humans. we have emotions that come to play in different situations. we have our order of importance that determines the type of emotion we usually exhibit under different situations. one thing, though, there is always a next time...
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• Indonesia
31 Jan 10
I failed in many quiz, but i never failed an exam. And i never cry just becoz i failed a quiz. But after i finished the exam, i always get really stress, and afraid that i will failed. I always depressed about my answers for the exam. I always think that my answers are wrong. Fortunately, i never failed. And i always cry for another thing, for example when i got broken heart, i cry many times, and after few times, i regret that. I shouldnt cry for someone who broke my heart. He doesnt deserve that.
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• Philippines
31 Jan 10
Hhmm... well with me, weird thing about me is that I can easily move on with a break up than studies.. so when I failed in studies, the hurt is more of a broken heart to MOST people.
• India
31 Jan 10
now also if i get small worries, failed in exam etc now also crying.My husband says small baby is crying.after crying i get very relaxedand refresh.
• Philippines
31 Jan 10
No I'm not. A real man can accept any defeat and start over again.
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@dasj20 (127)
• India
1 Feb 10
hey super cotation friend actually this is the good word,who got the failure. AT that time don't think negative and take positively then only succeed. thank u
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@alfroi635 (297)
• Philippines
31 Jan 10
I only failed in my college days examinations only once. That was WORLD LITERATURE. I really hate that subject so I didn't spend time studying for it. When I fail the exam, I was so disappointed because it was my first time but I didn't cry. When I ask my teacher if I will take the remedial exam, she said that its okay because my final grade still passed because I got high score during the previous exam. And I feel calm after that.
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• Philippines
31 Jan 10
Thanks for responding friend and God bless :D
• India
31 Jan 10
No. I will not cry. Failure is the stepping stone for success. If i had failed in the exam or quiz, first i make analysis what was the reason for my failure, then i will not make the mistake again.
• Philippines
31 Jan 10
I love your answer :) when failure comes we should analyze and think why.. then don't do it again next time ;) thanks for that. i'll remember your words. take care and God bless
@monkeylong (3139)
• Guangzhou, China
31 Jan 10
AS far as I am concerned, I think I will never cry if I have failed in the exam or something else. There is a saying that failure is the mother of success. I think even I have failed ninteen nine times, it does not matter, I think I will succeed in the end. If I try my best in my life. I think the success is belonging to me.
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• Philippines
31 Jan 10
Thanks monkeylong, and God bless ;D
• India
31 Jan 10
Well this chance didn't came in my life because I have never failed in any exams till now. I don't take part in quiz competition. If I fail in any exam then I will definitely cry because it will break my consistency and I am very emotional and sensitive regarding this matter.
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• Philippines
31 Jan 10
We're BOTH sensitive with this matter.. for me break up is easier to handle than failure in studies :(
• India
31 Jan 10
I don`t cry i just try to improve in the next exam or the final exam, as i say to myself this is not the end ! But at times a subject which i can never get good marks in i feel disappointed but then again i just try my best. At times i do the same thing search for a friend who got almost the same marks as me and enjoy and be happy :)
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• Philippines
31 Jan 10
Thanks for responding friend and God bless :D
@tanchyka (213)
• Slovenia
31 Jan 10
I cry if the exam is very important, like when keeping the scholarship depends on it, because it means that I'm going to lose a lot of money. But crying doesn't really help, you just have to forget about the exam and move on.
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• Philippines
31 Jan 10
I think crying over a failed exam has someone helped me, because I'm so sensitive with those matters especially in studies. My parents expects a lot from me. I don't wanna fail them.