What do you do when your inlove with your friends brother?

@dpalais (130)
February 3, 2010 3:15am CST
hello there..have experience being in love with your friends brother or sister? just want to know if what do you think is the best thing to do when that happens to you. Is that alright even if he/she has its own special friend? I think its crazy to ask this but I just want to know the others point of view? waiting for an advice.
1 response
@junrapmian (2169)
• Philippines
3 Feb 10
I can see nothing wrong with being in love with your friend's brother. It's but natural to feel something to someone whom you find interesting. The problem is, he's in a relationship with someone else. The question is, is it really a love you're feeling towards him or just a plain fancy? If you think you can not equal the love that he is getting from his special someone, just keep it to your self and let time forget the feeling. Now, if you think you love him so much and he doesn't get so much love and attention from his special someone, if I were you, I will do something to show him I care, but please do not flirt with him. This could start a grudge between you and his special someone. Let your friend's brother notice you and from then, let him realized that you are more deserving to be loved by him than by his girl.