is flirting normal to girls?

February 4, 2010 8:27pm CST
cause i see many girls in our school who flirts with every guy..
7 responses
• India
5 Feb 10
ya reizhielle, it is very normal now adays to all the girls, boys just give a try to get her into his way by flirting is the first step of love
• India
9 Feb 10
sorry I didn't understand
• Philippines
10 Feb 10
you said,flirting is the first step of love,what the girl still flirts with the guy even if the guy is already it still the first step to love?
• Philippines
9 Feb 10
nyee..what if the guy is already taken but a girl keeps on flirting with him
• Philippines
5 Feb 10
well, if a girl is a natural flirt, then we can't do anything about that. for me it is not nor,al. it is one way or another sending messages to the guys that you are an easy girl.
• Philippines
9 Feb 10
i think so.
• Philippines
10 Feb 10
ah..ok..tnx for the response=)
• Philippines
9 Feb 10
so its on their nature?
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@advokatku (4033)
• Indonesia
5 Feb 10
for the time now, a girl more first seduce a guy, it seemed natural and normal ... rather than later the man who be her dream captured other girls ....
• Philippines
9 Feb 10
so nowadays,girls makes the first move?
@abitcurious (1422)
• Philippines
5 Feb 10
Flirting is normal to all humans. It's nature's way of letting us preen and be accepted as a probable mate for our species to survive. Some girls or guys may seem more comfortable with this instinct and some are not so accepting of this. It really doesn't matter because in the end we procreate--or enjoy the process of it--and nature wins.
• Philippines
9 Feb 10
but there are girls that even if they know that the guy is already taken,they just just keep flirting with him..
• Philippines
10 Feb 10
It just means she's not in control of her instincts yet. This comes with maturity. In a society of apes (and we are just a bit not as hairy as them) the alpha male gets the best girls and he can choose whoever he wants, so girls have to compete over his attention. However as humans, we believe in the saying "it takes two to tango" if these girls were not encouraged with flirting with taken guys (by the guy not giving back inappropriate signals, too.) then it would only take a moment for these girls to move on to other possible mates.
• Philippines
10 Feb 10
now i understand./tnx for enlightening me
• Philippines
11 Mar 10
It is human nature to flirt. But we can be more discrete with how we do it.
• Philippines
19 Mar 11
Yes. But you can say that a girl is a flirt when she's the one who's coming to the boys.
@vjenkins86 (1478)
• United States
5 Feb 10
I believe that flirting comes more naturally to some girls than to others. also some girls are late bloomers. I never flirted in high school. I always felt awkward about it. then in college, i found myself flirting without realizing it. i just think it depends on the girl, her beliefs and how comfortable she is.