Do fireman and women get the credit they deserve!

United States
November 15, 2006 12:48pm CST
my husband is a fireman and i know how hard he works, to save peoples lives and homes but i feel that they do not get the credit they deserve! they are always first in and last out this is true!!
3 responses
@m25red (150)
• United States
16 Nov 06
They will never get the credit they deserve. We live in a crappy time right now where kids especially would rather be rap stars or sports figures than heroes like fireman when i grew up.
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@EagleEyes (646)
• United States
15 Nov 06
I don't think they get the credit they deserve either. I also don't think they get paid enough for what they do every day either. They should be the ones who make the money that professional athletes make.
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@gopats11 (175)
• United States
15 Nov 06
I really dont think they do, from the majority of people anyways. My husband is a Police Officer and I know how people look down on them and they get no credit for the rough job that they do...and firefighters get even less credit.
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