seen your dad cry?

February 6, 2010 6:43am CST
my dad doesn't cry openly just like other men. and i asked my mom if she saw him cry, she said thrice. one was when my younger sister died right after she was born. second time was when they found out that my third sister ran away with her lesbian lover. the only time i see him cry was when his best friend died. how about you? have you seen your dad cry? in what occasion does he cry?
3 responses
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
6 Feb 10
hello teriyaki, yes, i have seen my father cried for a number of times... our family have been into a very difficult situation way back then, lots of troubles in misunderstandings, and there are certain situations that i saw my father crying with my mom...or when the whole family talks. i know he tried to hide it but sometimes emotions are too strong...and e can't do anything but just let the feelings go... and another situation that i saw my father cried is when i got married! and the next one is when i leave our hometown to be with my husband in his work assignment! and every time i go home and leave again, i always saw a teary eye with my father! i am not really that close to him when i was younger and in fact we have some issues between each other before, but from the time that everything in our family have been fixed, my emotional attachment to my father becomes stronger and even now that i am writing this one, i feel like crying thinking about him and the life that we have been through... tomorrow is his birthday and i am proud to be his daughter...
• Philippines
7 Feb 10
awww...that so sweet. ^^ greet your father for me. ^^
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
7 Feb 10
ok i'll do & thanks!
@acie_21 (5633)
• Philippines
11 Feb 10
hi there friend... you know what..i love my dady so much...i saw my dad cry before my wedding day.. we siblings were sleeping with my dad i couldn't forget the things that he sad..the tears that fall over and over again in his cheeks .. he told me that he loves me so..and he cant imagine his oldest daughter is getting married in my early age 20..i know and i feel how he felt because its not easy to let go a daughter that easily.... me and my dad are very closed to each other..were like best buds!... when i saw him cried it breaks my heart into million pieces... thinking that..what if i will not continue marrying my future husband... seeing dad cry is that hardest thing to recover... after the wedding i just hug him so tight!and crying on his shoulder... while his saying that i will always be his little girl.. thats the hardest part when i finally say goodbye being a single woman and finally tied to be a wife to my husband... i missed my dad ever single day when im apart to him... im proud to have a dad like him...his the best!person i have in my life.. he is very understanding and loving person...he sacrificed everything for the sake of his children's happiness.. and i couldn't ask for more but for him to be health and live longer with his loved ones.. i love you dad!... thanks! have a happy evening!..
@missybear (11391)
• United States
6 Feb 10
Every time my dad comes to visit me, which has only been 4 times in 26 years since he's in Germany and I'm in America he tries not to cry. He says Goodbye really fast so I don't see him cry but I know he does.