What will you do when you get drunk?

February 9, 2010 5:03am CST
Hi my lotters, frankly say,we all have lot of chance to participate in a party and get drunk,different people has different manner after get durnk,one may go sleep soon,talking without stop,to do somethings you won't do when you are normal,or just sit quitely and miss someone within,there must be lots of fun and joke that we experienced or met.one thing effects me so much and leave a deep impression is one of my classmate stripped off all his clothes and ran in a winter night when he got drunk,now it's your turn to share your story...
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3 responses
@kaka135 (14918)
• Malaysia
9 Feb 10
I have never get really drunk before, at least I was still conscious on what I was doing after I drank. The most drunk I have experienced was I went to the washroom and I was too drunk or sleepy and I just sat on the floor for awhile, and I think I felt asleep for awhile. I woke up and went back to my room after that, and I found it hard to use the key to open my door, as I hardly put the key into the key hole. But I still went and made a cup of tea to refresh myself. I suppose I was not very drunk. I tend to be more talkative when I am drunk, but I just react normally and have not do any funny things before.
@heroshen (146)
• Reunion
9 Feb 10
i will turn violent or make trouble:(
• China
9 Feb 10
Hi Heroshen,just like fighting with others? that's dangerous for both you and others,so you must get rid of be drinking too much,otherwise you may do something which will make you regret about it,thanks for posting
• India
21 Feb 10
i speak a lot when i got drunk. i have taken drink many times and i found myself speaking too much of no use. i get too much power when i am in drunken state. i never fight with any one but would tell all the things in loud voice. i love drink but don't do it too much.