What are the limits of charity?

@blummus (451)
United States
February 11, 2010 2:52pm CST
The recent disasters in Haiti have pointed up some of the difficulties charitable organizations and international relief organizations have encountered not only in getting aid to those who need it, but in continuing to provide assistance in the face of growing opposition among donors to a continuing outflow of funds in times of economic hardship and catastrophes closer to home. Considering the hardships faced by those in need as well as the economic (and often climactic) troubles of those who have contributed to ongoing relief worldwide, is there a point at which one just has to say no more? If there is an endpoint, where is it, and how do you feel about limiting aid to those who need help?
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1 response
• Philippines
3 Mar 10
i dont think theres limit of charity, as long as we still have the capacity to help and theres people who need our help then of course i will be glad to help. besides its not their fault why they are facing that hardship in life right ow. an if it will also happened to our country im sure they will do the same thing as its for humanitarian cause.
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