If you want to be happy in a very depress day,what will be your best opinion?

Hong Kong
February 18, 2010 6:39am CST
Everybody will have some bad day in life.Perhaps you jsuy got fire by your boss.Or perhaps some family problem will just pop in to border you.Or you just break up with a close friends or a love one.When all this happen.it will definately hout your feeling and destroy your whole day.Well,nobody wants things like that but somehow it just happen.When day like that happen,will there be anywaythat you can still get through the day with happiness?Share with us?
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24 responses
• Philippines
18 Feb 10
well, I try to think of positive, happy thoughts. I think of things and the persons in my life who makes me happy. knowing I am surrounded and loved by people can lift up my day. It also helps to do the things that have a calming, soothing effect like taking a long, warm bath or listening to soft music. For me, I love chocolates so much, it is a therapy for me ;) I eat chocolates when I'm sad or go shopping if I have the energy (and money).
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• Hong Kong
21 Feb 10
Hey,positive thinking is surely a good help when we face depression.But the problem is : if we are so positive then, we won't be depress that easy.Depression sometimes is not just a feel matter but also a thinking matter.For when we are under depress,the things we will probably think the most will be negative stuffs. But I am glads that you are among few of those who can be still positive during your depression time.Anyway,I do appreciate your positive character.Music and chocolate?Oh ye,I definate agree with that.Especially music,By listening to Christian music,it will always heal my soul and emotion ,and also uplift my spirit at the same time,Thank God for that.Chocolate,I love it even when in noraml times.I hope you will enjoy it more .Have a good day.
• Philippines
18 Feb 10
Well, if I'm really sad or depressed I tend to rely on foods to make me happy again. Hehehe. When I was in college, I always eat Wendy's burgers after a big exam just to calm my nerves and stop my worrying. Now that I'm working, if I'm sad or depressed, I think first on what I want to eat, and I buy that, no matter how much, or how unhealthy it maybe. Hahahaha.
• Hong Kong
21 Feb 10
Frankly speaking,I like wendy hamburger too.But unfortunately,they didn't do it well in my city ,so they were all disappeared many years ago.But still we have burger king in here ,and I love to eat that very much (once awhile^_^) and sometimes when I feel depressed.Eating is not a good way and a healthy way to solve stress and depression,but once awhile,it helps a bit anyway.right now ,I am not going for hamburger ,because it is my dinner time and I am going to have some nice food such as B.B.Q. Duck and rice.I am not sure it will help me anything or not ,but it definately bwill help to solve on ne problem for me now---hungry^_^.I hope you will enjoy your dinner tonight too.Enjoy your meal and bye for now.
• Philippines
22 Feb 10
Thanks for that wildlittlefan. I know I shouldn't cure my depression by eating, cause it's really not healthy, well, unless the food that I eat is really healthy instead of my burgers...
• Singapore
19 Feb 10
There were many times when I felt a little more than depressed due to family problems. Sometimes I needed time to think it over while at other times I feel the need to talk it out. If I just need to think it over, I would take some time off work and just wander around or take long rides home. When I need to talk to others, I would find some close friends online to chat with or skype. But a lot of the times, I would just want to forget about the matter for awhile, then I would fix an appointment to get a massage or something. It helps to destress myself and recharge so that you could face the problem head on.
• Hong Kong
21 Feb 10
Yes,it is always important to talk to someone if you have anything unhappy about.That's what a friend for,right?Some people will pay money to the counsellor to talk about their problems but I don't think it amy be the best idea.Because the counsellor will stop to listen to you if your session is over.Listen to someone sometimes is another streess as well.It is somestimes very tired experience as well.But talking to a friend is different.their support comes so natural ,although they may nit have all the great counselling or listening skills,but they are soemone you know you can talk to and support you all the times.I hope you will share more with your friends and son't forget to treat your friend nicely since friendship is a give and take relationship.We need to express our love and appreciation of help to our friends sometimes.Eg.buy them an ice iceam or something nice to express our thank you message.Have a good day.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
21 Feb 10
I always try to get through every day of my life in a positive manner. It is very hard to do at times. However, there are far more times that I am able to do it in a positive manner. As I am going through the down days in my life I just look at the blessings that I have in my life. I have two wonderful children and every day they give me at least a little something to smile about each and every day of my life. If it weren't for Kathryn and Paul there are some days that I don't know how I would be able to get through them.
• Hong Kong
21 Feb 10
Hey Doran, I surely think that you are a positive perosn just by all the things you have share in my discussion topic.I think count your blessing is one of the most important way to deal with depression.Because when se do so,we will always see God always appear in our past moment whether it was ups and downs.Once we aware of that,we will thank God for His grace and have the new strength to go forward,Because we know that God will always be with uis and won't leave us no moatter what happen.on the other hand,as you said,a little something to smile is also a great way to overcome unhappiness and depression moment.Well,I hope that you will always be happy.Have a nice day and don't forget that little something to....^_^ today.
• Philippines
19 Feb 10
hmmm for me dont take your life too seriously, find ways to be happy.. if you do have problem inside your house just leave it there, if there were ways to solved it just calm down wait for the right time to do the solution and if nothing we can do just forget it just face it! make your life easy if your not happy let it go but before that, think for the things that can help you and separate that from the waste and keep it and think of it and those were cant be use or just a waste just throw it away. I know it was easy to say but for me life was unfair nothing can be fair for you its a matter on how you will deal with it. be strong have faith and be happy!
• Hong Kong
21 Feb 10
Thank you for your encouragement.I agree with you that we need to have faith and be happy.I am someone with faith and I understand that faith can give us hope which is important to deal with life trouble.I think faith really help me since I don't face the problem all by myself.God is with me when I am up and down.In life ,we can avoid the fact that sometimes we will have ups and downs because we are emotional being and our emotion will be affected on the events happen in our daily life.Something it may be out of our own control.But God is still in control and we can have hope in him ,no matter what happen,Each time when I can think of this,my strength to deal with unhappiness will return.Prayer will be always a good thing to do when life is getting tough.Thank God for His love and presence during the the difficult moment of my life.And thank you for your comment as well.I hope you can enjoy your time with mylot more.Have a good day.
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
19 Feb 10
Well, you just have to think positive all the time. WE all have our downtimes but this doesn't mean that they should spoil our life. These problems or frustrations are better buried or not entertained. We need to adopt a positive mind and go out of your house, do some things that you enjoy doing like watch a movie, go to a karaoke bar, eat, be with friends, read a book, or whatever suits your fancy.
• Hong Kong
21 Feb 10
I agree with you,listen to music and watching movie are good idea.And sometimes,go out for a walk or jogging will definately as well.But right at this moment,I am with music and writting my mylot response and comment at the same time.It is a good way to share my emotion and at the same time doing something positive and happy as well.I like mylot because I can type antything I want and earn money at the same times.Although it is not a lot of money but still something for encouragement and something to be happy about.I am looking forward to earn my second payment in mylot for the time being.I hope this time can be close by.And I hope that you can enjoy your time with mylot and have agreat time all the time AS WELL.have a good day,my friend.
• Philippines
8 Mar 10
When I am sad and I want to be happy, I rather put it to sleep rather than doing anything. But there are times there are a lot of things bothering me and that gives me a very severe headache. In order to just forget about it, I watch funny movies, or I watch Korean series of my favorite Korean stars. I either switch the channel of television to Music Television and sing my heart out until I finally get okay. I also play with my pets, my pets is a boredom reliever. They are always there when I am not feeling fine and if we play I will finally forget what I am feeling about. That is why I need a pet as I go home after work. Or I eat foods, I eat ice cream or siomai, these are my comfort foods. Or I talked to my friend by sending them message and ask them to tell a funny stories or just something to talked about. Window shopping can help me too because my eyes are entertained by the products I will see, and I fit clothes and get envy with those ladies who can buy it.
@betlynfrnds (4069)
• United States
21 Feb 10
Hi wildlittlefan, Bad days are just a way of life in these 'critical times'. We can't escape them. As a pet owner and lover, the way I get through those tough days is by spending quality time with my beloved pets. I also open up and share my feelings with my dear boyfriend and most of all, I read my Bible and focus on uplifting verses that I hold dear. So it's my cats, my boyfriend and my Bible. Everyone and everything else will just have to wait until I feel better.
@cbjones (1147)
• United States
18 Feb 10
Living a life of happiness is all about finding the will to except. You will never be able to correct every little thing you find to be incorrect in the world. People have tried to solve every natural problem, and they all failed to do so. That's really the core of this emotion that we call happiness. nce you become a being of acceptance, you begin to walk through life with an understanding. You now start to realize that your preferences don't equal wrong or right. Everything that happens has happened for a reason. Don't try to analyze every little thing. It will only bring anger, not happiness, when you fail to come to terms with the world around you. If you need clear your head, either a quick nap or meditation can be used to deal with thoughts that are depression based. Find some relaxing music, and sit down in a quite room where you know you won't be bothered. Focus on your breathing, and allow your thoughts to just drift off into a void of nothingness.
• Hong Kong
21 Feb 10
I think music is always a good thing to heal our emotion or at aleast make it feel better for the moment.But I think mylot has became my new way to deal ei=with my depression now?Why?Because 1.I can talk to people about how I feel in my comment and write anything I want to.2.I am share my feeling in my new discussion topic at all times.3.I can earn some money at the same time and which is some kinds of encouragement during a depression time.Well,I think as long as we live,we still need to deal with emotion all the times and it is our responsiblity as a human and to deal with it .Sometimes,emotion will come so suddenly,sometimes,it will stay for awhile and sometimes,it will be gone like a flash.Well,welcome to life.We are human ,aren't we?Have a nice day and thank you for your response.I hope you will live happy all the times.
@sublime03 (2339)
• Philippines
19 Feb 10
Every day for me is a sad day until I past my finacial issue for this year. But I still show a happy face with a positive outlook in life to relieve me from getting depressed. I usually just forget about what keeps me down and just see other things as a positive factor such as my son and my soon to be job.
• Hong Kong
21 Feb 10
Well,I hope ytou can pass your financial issue as soon as possible and feel happy all over again.As human,we will all facing something unhappy in life event everyday.Sometimes,things happen in our life without our permission.But when times getting tough,we need to be more tough to face it.I am not saying that I don't have problem to deal with.But since we are all in the same boat,lets encourage each other and get through all these storm in times.But I think you are doing something bgoo in dealing withb your stress and unhappiness.Look at those positive factor is surely a way to fight depression and negative thinking.I hope you will have some friends that who can share your unhappiness and pressure as well. Have a good day and a good year ,my friend.
• Bangladesh
27 Feb 10
Well, friend. In such cases, I usually go to a secluded place and submerge in deep thought and ask Allah again and again for help. And miraculously, my minds turns peaceful again to share my joy and happiness with others. Have a nice day.
@bystander (2292)
• Philippines
20 Feb 10
bad-hair days are normal occurrences in a person's life, depressions are not. the former comes to everyone and all, while the latter is a psychological thing that needs professional help. so things like getting fired from one's job or losing one's boyfriend or girlfriend would be a normal process in one's life, which most of us experience. and, i tell you, wildlittlefan, we have enough coping mechanisms to be able to get over these things and move ahead. just look at the bright side, perhaps this thing happened because there is a better opportunity ahead or a better boyfriend may be in the offing... something like that...
@vinabee (85)
• China
18 Feb 10
the first choice is to sleep, sleep watse lots of your time, and it can make your feeling better, and following, you could try to listen some music which heard so happy. and then you could get together with your friends and have a party which have the eating theme. eating make people have a better mood.
• Hong Kong
21 Feb 10
Eating is always something to enjoy and I like to eat a lot.But sleeping is for sure one of the best way to solve your depression as well.At least it will help your physical body get nmore rest and reatore your energy to fight depression.And sleeeping sometimes can make you have time to rest from all the unhappiness event as well.I enjoy sleep very much and it is one of the way to escape from the unhappy reality as well,although we still have to face it all over again when we wake up.But sometimes,dreams within sleep will lead us to some other kinds of relief as well.At least if you have a good dream ,that will make you feel that you don't even want to wake up and face the tough thing in reality for awhile.I hope you always live with a happy mood.Have a good day and eat something healthy ^_^.
@saanjh (784)
• India
18 Feb 10
If I will very depress than will go to watch a comedy movie or I will for shopping Because I love to go for shopping and I also like to watch movie.
• Hong Kong
27 Feb 10
A comedy?Mmmmm...I think it is a good idea.But the comedy movie in my city is not that attractive .So ,maybe a movie is a good idea already.I haven't go to cineam for along time because I was do busy to work in my computer and watch movie from TV ,that's all.I think it is good ton be happy all the times and no depress day will be the best.But as you know,it is not possible.As long as we live in this world,we will face ups and downs and good and bad days all the time.Well,I hope you have a good day ....
• Philippines
18 Feb 10
I usually drown myself in games, on a bad day. OR, I'll drown myself in chocolate. :D Heheh. Or I'll play good Christian music, then pray, then ask God to heal my heart. :D Or talk with someone who'll help me see things differently. :) Thanks for this thread!
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
19 Feb 10
Hey wildittlefan! We all have days that things happen and we find ourselves depressed. As you said, some days things happen and we just have to deal with the things that are thrown our way! But, hopefully things will get better the next day or the day after that! We always have a chance to make things better as long as we have hope! We can allow ourselves to feel badly for a brief time, but we must be able to shake it off and start again so that we don't get caught in a rut! There are always things in our life to make us happy and we must remember that!
@MrKennedy (1978)
18 Feb 10
Usually, I just avoid any other human contact because I don't want to make them feel depressed and I certainly don't want to be bombarded with questions about why I am feeling this way and such I will just mope about, doing the things I enjoy whilst avoiding any work and such (unless I have work that day, in which case, I will just get on with it and stay quiet).
• India
19 Feb 10
well when bad days strike u cant do anything much other than fact of accepting it . to your question what would i do to be happy on depress day i would definitely go and play a game of cricket or hit the gym . when i do that i would feel much better and would be able to forget any problems . so it is simple advise whatever is ur passion pls do it on that day and u will see all problems can be solved cheers
@anjohanna (156)
• Philippines
18 Feb 10
Take a deep breathe. Meditate for at least five minutes. free your mind from all the distractions. Thinks happy thoughts while meditating. Forsure it will work. Trust me, I have done that so many times.
• United States
19 Feb 10
In a very depressing day i would bump up my favorite song depending on the mood and vibe to the song.