has anyone ever heard of Entropion

United States
February 19, 2010 4:05pm CST
I took my little shitzu puppy who will be six months on the first to the groomers for the first time. His fur on his face was completly out of control, the people who onwed him before barely bothered to clip him. Well once the fur was off of his face and we could see his eyes we noticed that Raven's eyes looked funny, they were watery and the fur around them was gone. Well this morning i decided they looked worse and his eyelashes looked funny. So we took him to the vet, he has something called Entropion which I had actually heard of in a book. Now that's a fancy way of saying his eyelashes are growing the wrong way. The upshot is after spending $500 to buy him and even more for grooming, toys, a bed he will not sleep in and other stuff I have to come up with three hundred dollars for surgery! AHHHHH
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