Who do you like better kevjumba or nigahiga

United States
February 19, 2010 7:06pm CST
I just can't stop laughing on kevjumba's videos..especially his dad so hilarious haha anyways after i saw a bunch of kevjumba's videos i saw one of nigahiga's video but some jokes of his werent funny hmm who do you guys think is a better comedian?
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3 responses
@ridwan08 (1183)
• Indonesia
20 Feb 10
who is kevjumba or nigahiga,im not familiar with this name,can you explaint to me?im curious now thanks
• United States
20 Feb 10
haha you could see their small clip in youtube. their basically just typical young adults broadcasting theirselves and talking about hot topics and events in our current day.
@jaypeesol (218)
• Philippines
2 Oct 10
Kevin and his dad are in the Amazing Race, you should watch it if you can. It's on CBS every Sunday at 8 PM.
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
22 Feb 10
I like Happyslip. Your talking about videos on youtube right? well I like happy slip. I think she is very funny, she's had kevjumba on one of her videos I believe.