Do you bite your nails??

@saphrina (31552)
South Africa
February 21, 2010 10:50am CST
I see this almost everyday. One finger in the mouth and chewing away. What is wrong with these people? Are they hungry, need another taste in their mouths or what? How can they bite their nails? Do they have any idea how many germs there are under your fingernails, no matter how much you wash them? That is a seriously bad and disgusting habbit.
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8 responses
@iridium (431)
21 Feb 10
i bite my nails. always have. i wish i could stop but nothing works, even wearing fake ones didn't stop me biting them. And yes i've tried chillies
@saphrina (31552)
• South Africa
22 Feb 10
Okay, then off to the chemist with you. There must be something that will help. Good Luck. TATA.
@iridium (431)
22 Feb 10
and i've tried all the solutions in the chemist as well. i also suck my thumb.
@saphrina (31552)
• South Africa
22 Feb 10
There i cannot help you. Maybe you should consider a dummy, instead of the thumb. TATA.
@sumanadep (1228)
• India
22 Feb 10
I had that habit. I remember when was in school my teacher use to check our nails. They regularly check if nails are cut or not and that they are clean. So when I get to know that my teacher is going to check nails today I use to bite it making sure they are not grown to big and they are clean. But soon after school I have stopped biting nails but not because it is bad but because I now have new habit of cutting nails regularly.
@saphrina (31552)
• South Africa
22 Feb 10
Good for you. Now you realize that it is unhealthy, whether you did it everyday or not. So good of you to use a nailclipper. TATA.
• India
11 Sep 10
@eekikit (87)
• Philippines
24 Feb 10
LOL, hey there saphrina. I have read many articles that tells that biting nails is one way of stress response. It is very common to kids, teenagers, and even adults that have the tendency to react to stress. Especially if one finds that he has a problem socializing. I can relate to that as I do that too when I was a kid. Yes, I know. It is a seriously bad and disgusting habit. There are also many ways of preventing and stopping this behavior. And also, biting nails does not stop hunger, LOL.
@saphrina (31552)
• South Africa
24 Feb 10
I do agree, but why don't they just get something else to chew on. I mean, really, we don't want to see how hungry some are. Shame, poor souls. TATA.
• India
21 Feb 10
i also have this habit of biting my nails and i do it vigorously when i am in tension or under some pressure or if there is something tensed going on.... recently i jst finished biting all my nails when i was watching this cricket match and it went till the last delivery
@saphrina (31552)
• South Africa
21 Feb 10
Oh, jolly. So you just grazed away, as i am sure there was absolutely nothing else to chew on. Shame, are you having tummy aches already. Hope so. That will teach you to bite them. That really is a awfull and distastefull habbit. Just leave the fingers. If you start chewing on them i am going to laugh myself silly.
@kaylayoe (293)
• United States
21 Feb 10
I do it and I know it's disgusting but I'll usually start doing it without even realizing it. When I realize I stop. I usually pick at the skin around my fingers and it hurts really bad. It's one of the habits that are really hard to stop because it's psychological and I do it without even thinking.
@saphrina (31552)
• South Africa
21 Feb 10
So, stop it then. You can always use some chillies, if you really feel like stopping. It won't burn for too long, i hope. Just long enough to remind you that you should not do it at all. TATA.
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@kaylayoe (293)
• United States
21 Feb 10
Chillies? I can't put things on my fingers while I'm at school all day. Which is when I do it most because I get so bored.
@rameshchow (4426)
• India
11 Sep 10
"children commonly eating their nails, because they are children" ok leave it, will you please come to my college once, come to my classroom, there is a girl, dail she is eating her nails,,,, I think there is a small logic behind her nail eating, may be her boyfriend said that "you are looking so beautiful when you are eating your nails with childish face". hahahahahaah.......... lol.
@saphrina (31552)
• South Africa
11 Sep 10
I can com there, sweetie. But then i will take the boyfriend on for being an idiot. And i will bring my whips. Good enough for you? Thanx. TATA.
@fattymc (140)
21 Feb 10
Biting nails is probably caused by nervousness. That`s how my friend who bites nails tells me. She gets really nervous and she becomes unconscious that she`s doing it. It`s something that is a bad habit. I don`t know why they do it, but it`s not really a good idea. They probably have had this for a long time. It`s a hard thing to stop because they are unaware that they`re doing it.
@saphrina (31552)
• South Africa
21 Feb 10
Then you should be the one to try and help her, so she can stop this. Get her some chewing gum, that will even taste better. TATA.
• Philippines
21 Feb 10
Hehehehe. Yeah, i used to do that, but my mum slapped my hands every time i did, so i stopped. I guess it's just a case of bad habit not corrected at an early age. Your concern about the germs is true :)
@saphrina (31552)
• South Africa
21 Feb 10
I am so glad your mom slapped your hands. LOL. It really was for your own good. Glad it worked. TATA.