do you love indian food??did you ever have any??

February 21, 2010 12:06pm CST
indian food always means hot and spicy contains lots of masalas and the flavours are what that attracts everybody....the crabs,lobsters are also a special as the indian deserts....each place is famous for something.... hydrabad for biriyani kolkata for deserts mumbai for its fastfood and soo so did you ever have indian food???did you like it??
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4 responses
@saphrina (31552)
• South Africa
21 Feb 10
It sounds compelling and interesting. I would like to try it out, someday. But not the crab or lobster. Unfortunately, i am allergic to seafood. So glad to see you again. Did the girls keep you busy. Shame on them. TATA.
• India
21 Feb 10
i have so many girl friends you know,..its preetty hard job
@saphrina (31552)
• South Africa
21 Feb 10
Oh, i see how the wind blows. I will remember this.
• India
22 Mar 10
Really tasty. I am an Indian & am proud to be one.
@chillpill90 (1936)
21 Feb 10
I would not say that i love indian food but i do like it when it is really cold out it warms you up. But i am not keen on the deserts they just seem to be full of sugar and are not very tasty. My favourite is a biriyani and a vindaloo.
@Torunn (8607)
• Norway
22 Feb 10
I really like Indian food. There's two Indian restaurants here, but I only go to one of them because the other one had so bland food. And bland Indian food is a bit pointless. I've never been to India though, I've only been eating it in Europe. Often, the restaurant owners and chefs are Indian so it's probably a bit like the Indian food you get in India? Of all places, I had some lovely Indian food in Lerwick (capital on Shetland). They had one Indian restaurant and 2 or 3 Chinese, but we went to the Indian as I like it better than Chinese food, and I was there with friends from Singapore who weren't too enthusiastic about Chinese food in Europe. I think they were spoilt for choice in Singapore. The desserts I've tried so far have been too sweet for my taste, but one day I will go to India and try everything there.