Are you ready to tdiscuss at great lenght of any subject. ?

February 22, 2010 12:54pm CST
Now-a-days people divide their daily life into two parts. A large part of the day is given over to work by which they earn their living. They also have a few hours everyday that they can call their own. These are their hours of leisure. It is a great problem for many people to know what to do make the best use of their spare time. They tend to waste it and fritter it away. They make no efforts to plan these hours and use them up as chance dictates. If a friend calls they are ready to talk at great length of any subject. They many visit friends themselves, and indulge in gossip in their company. If they are relaxing at home, they may idly pick up a book or a newspaper an give some little part of their minds to it.
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2 responses
@vathsala30 (3732)
• India
12 Mar 10
Hi satish I have no spare time as I will keep myself very busy throughout the day.But I do not mind to discuss at great length of any subject, provided if at all I know about that subject in detail
• India
17 Mar 10
Hello friend. Thanks for corporation. The subject choice is your own.
@avani26 (1518)
• India
6 Mar 10
Yes I am ready to discuss any subject but provided I know the subject well. I have a lot of spare time the whole day so I am on mylot reading discussions, responding to them I would surely like to admit that they are so many things here which Inever would have known or heard. But then I do have friends with whom I go for walks and my neighbu's dog is my biggest passtime.
• India
8 Mar 10
Thanking you friend avani26 for your discussion answer.