
February 22, 2010 5:53pm CST
last night I watched for the first time the house just on the other street was eaten by a fire. the fire scattered in less then 10 minutes, fortunately though it was kinda isolated so it didn't scattered to nearby houses. the owner and his family didn't save any of their important papers, so my question is, what would the first thing you would save before running out the door after making sure your kids/love ones are all out and safe?
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3 responses
• Estonia
23 Feb 10
I would try to get my documents and identification papers out of the burning apartment. It would be quite easy, I think, because I could just throw everything out of the window, like the one of the previous responders mentioned. If I still had time left, I would start carrying out my personal things. I have a box with some of the old drawings I made in a kindergarten, I would definitely try to save that box. But I hope I would never have to experience such terrible accident.
@rsa101 (38076)
• Philippines
23 Feb 10
Of course instinct would tell you that the first to save is your loved ones when these kinds of danger comes to you. The appliances are the last one to get it out the next when you think they can be salvage still. I really think that summer is fast approaching us so we really have to be careful in using electronic appliances because they usually are the ones that start the fire.
• Brazil
23 Feb 10
In my house, it's very easy to throw everything out of the window. So I guess a fire wouldnt be a problem. Also, we have 2 tanks of water in the attic so I would just blast that open and puf, the fires gone But if that wasnt possible, I guess I would save my pc, some books and some memory items i have arround here. theres a box and a backpack in the closet so getting everything fast would be easy.