Have you ever been an car accident and how was the experience?

Hong Kong
February 23, 2010 12:29pm CST
Nobody wants a car accident but it does happen once awhile in the community.When it happen ,many people get hurt and some even lost their life.We feel sorry for those victims of car accident but on the other hand ,we need to be more caution and alert about driving a car or acrossing the traffic.I have that experience many years ago when I was only a passanger next to the driver.It wasn't serious and nobody got hurt except the car.I have to thank God for His protection.Recently,I watched a show on TV,a dancer told everyone that she had 25 car accident in 3 years while she was a passanger.And she can still dance.I don't know hwose going to invite her to their car anymore.Mmmm.what about your experinece?
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15 responses
@monkeylong (3139)
• Guangzhou, China
24 Feb 10
As far as I am concerned, I am a person who was hit by a car deeply. I can still remember that car clearly. I still remember that it was about several months ago, when I ws walking through the road,suddenly , a car came out just want to catch up with the car in front of him.Because he was drove in the wrongg direction by the road rules. After that, I was hit on the road and lost consciousness. It was so terrible. Now I specially value my life.
@anfauz (17)
• Indonesia
24 Feb 10
i never got car accident, but i got hit by car when i using motorcycle... my neck is bleeding but, thanks god, i still alive !
@junmae (1586)
• Philippines
24 Feb 10
I havent experienced car accident, but I witnessed some. It is very scary because I was just a feet away from the accident. Thank god I was not able to get hit by the cars who bumped with each other.
@junil_jk (496)
• India
24 Feb 10
i'm more into bikes as i'm crazy about them. so i haven't had any car accidents yet but have had several bike accidents - a few of them dangerously close! the worst one occurred in 2002 outside my hometown in a city called Hyderabad. four of us decided to go out in two bikes to get some fresh air quite late at night. after refueling, my partner asked me to ride. the other pair shot ahead so i sped up too. were going in high speeds as the roads were quite empty. then suddenly, at a four way traffic, another motorist took a turn in front of me in another direction. so i hit the brakes hard. it was kind of reflection action. the next thing i knew was that i was stopped by an island quite hard. my partner and the bike lay still farther ahead. we'd skidded a good 50-80 yards - all separately! i suffered a little head injury and nasty scratches on my lower back. i still have the scars and use them as my identification marks now! my partner suffered some head injury(which was worse than mine) and scratches too. the bike was quite in shambles on the side on which it skidded. the other pair said there were brilliant sparks as it skidded along the road, and it skidded farthest among the three of us! a few onlookers were there and one of them gave me my eye glasses back, of which i was totally unaware of that i wasn't having it. whew, we were very lucky that the roads were quite empty! the rest of the accidents occurred in my hometown, a few of which were close calls too. it's not that i'm a careless rider. it's just that it happens at a bad time, and on a bad day!
@kraM10 (4)
24 Feb 10
yes, once but it's not a really big accident. we bumped into the side of a car which destroyed the side mirrors. it was not really our car because we were on an out of town vacation and we just rented a taxi. the taxi driver dealt with what he has done.
@uniqueorn (1011)
• Philippines
24 Feb 10
I almost got hit by a jeepney(a public transportation in the Philippines) and a truck. I was hit by a bicycle. Thank God no serious injuries were found. I must be fortunate enough for having not met a terrible situation as car accidents. And Im hoping for it not to come.
@thuhuong (823)
• United States
23 Feb 10
LOL, I like that last part but myself the only one that I remember being in was when I was in high school. My mother was driving me and suddenly out of nowhere a drunk young man hit her. She went out and looked at the car. The man was so intoxicated my mother slapped him to wake him up but to no avail he just stood there in a daze so we drove off because I was running late. Until then I haven't been in any serious accident only bumps and tugs with physical minor scratches to the car. My parents have been in serious accidents and one that involved drunk drivers. I think I see a lot of that here in the city as they tend to come out of nowhere and BOOM you're hit.
@littleone3 (2063)
23 Feb 10
Yes I was involved in a car accident about four years ago as a passenger my partner was driving. His brother was in front of him and just about to turn the corner when a big lorry came out of nowhere and he had to slam on the breaks. So my partner run straight into the back of him. Luckily everyone was okay I did end up with a big bruise across my belly from the seatbelt but was more worried about the baby as I was 35 weeks pregnant at the time. But he was fine I was just a bit sore for a few days.
• United States
23 Feb 10
I was involved in a car wreck a little over a year ago. It happened in December 2008. I was with my mother at the the time (I was the passenger) and we were heading home from out of town where I had a doctor visit that day. We had just gotten out of that particular town about five minutes before. We got behind a van (the kind businesses use for work). A truck was coming the opposite way the van and ourselves were going. All of a sudden, the man in the truck swerved into our lane, side swiped the van, hit us indirectly (more on that in a minute), went into the ditch, and rolled over a few times. What I meant by "indirectly" is that a large part of the truck's bumper tore off and slammed and then stuck itself into the front bumper of our car. If it had come over a few more inches, it would have come crashing through the window and hit me in the head instead. The van's driver tried missing the truck as best he could and swerved to the right and ultimately ran up into someone's yard and nearly took out their mailbox. Some, if not all, of his tires were flattened. Everyone was okay, thankfully. The police counted it as two different accidents. And you know what made it even worse for the guy who caused the wreck, the truck he was in....was not even his truck. He had actually borrowed it from a friend of his to go get a part to fix HIS truck.
• Estonia
23 Feb 10
I haven't got myself into any serious traffic accidents. Perhaps one situation that we can call "an accident" happened when I was a little kid. I was leaving the vehicle, I had opened the door but I wasn't watching for any cars coming from behind. And actually, there was a car passing by. Luckily I didn't left my car, but I wasn't quick enough to shut the door so it got torn off by the other car.
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
23 Feb 10
I've been involved in 4 accidents, and I was the driver in two. During one that I wasn't driving, my friend was. A car approached in his blind spot and he t-boned them. In another accident I was the passenger, and we were approaching a blind area of a steep hill. It's a hill on both sides. We were going to turn left and were just about to when a semi-truck approached head on in the opposite lane, speeding, so we couldn't turn.... but behind us, there were two cars also speeding... So .. could either dive for the ditch or let them hit us and hope we dont get pushed into the path of the semi-truck. We opted for the ditch. A similar thing happened to me in bad weather... ditch or wreck due to sliding on the ice. The last one I was driving and there was a blizzard. The heater and defrost in my car blew that night. I could barely keep the windows clear. When I was about two miles from home, a speeding semi passed me, throwing snow and covering my windshield. I was very close to the interstate on/off ramp. I eased off of the gas and got the wipers on, but clipped the curb of the median and spun the car around, landing it on the median. There was no damage beyond a small scratch in any of these incidents to the vehicles I was in. My friend, however, had one of those very frightening experiences that you normally would only see in a movie like Final Destination, but due to a court order, I can't say much beyond that.
• United States
23 Feb 10
I've been ejected from two different vehicles. When I was 18 my boyfriend was driving and accidentally pulled out in front of another car. It hit my door and popped it open and i went flying out. Then when I was 29 I lost control of my car in front of the bus. The bus hit my door and popped it open. I was thrown out and into the guard rail. I had over 100 stitches in my head. I stayed in the hospital for 4 days.
@voldrox (7191)
• India
23 Feb 10
hi wildlittlefan, lucky it was a mild one even the one i experienced was, i don't know but dad turned back for something and he wasn't aware the car was a little off direction and the speed wasn't much, and it hit a lamp post, we didn't have a seat belt and i was seated beside my dad, a sudden strong jerk and i crashed the dashboard, my head hurt a little but nothing much and lucky no one was hurt much just minor bruises, the bonnet gave way but the engine and components everything were intact.. nothing much happened but the car was looking ugly, seat belts are important and they should be utilized at all times, i hope i never get to experience any accident in the future and so we all need to be careful on road.. it is not only dangerous to us but also to others, good day.
@edxcast (1168)
• Ecuador
24 Feb 10
Hello wildlittlefan I have been in some car accidents. Most were little accidents, but i had one that was very scary. I was in my school bus(not so big, like a van i guess), and in the highway we were turning in u, and a really big truck hit us, and we were like / (just imagine that line was the bus). It was really a spooky accident. Fortunately no one was hurt there.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
23 Feb 10
I had an accident a long time ago. I was driving down the street and someone came out of a side street and hit my car broadside. My daughter was in the passenger side and was thrown to the floor. This was before seat belts - if she'd stayed in her seat, she might have been hurt because the other car smashed in the door. As it was, neither of us was hurt, but it sure did a lot of damage to my pride and joy brand new car!