Has anyone ever hired someone to build a website for them?

United States
February 24, 2010 11:10am CST
I need a website built for my small business, but I don't know anything about making a webpage myself. I was thinking about hiring someone else to do it, but there are so many choices if you search the web for website design or whatever. I see companies in America, India, Europe. I see random people on forums who will do it. How do you know if they are any good? I was also thinking about going with a local company just so I can meet them face to face. Do you think that's a good idea? I found one company who is pretty close to me ( http://www.thoughtmechanics.com/ ) but I don't know. Can I just go visit their office and say hey, can you show me some work you've done? I'm not really that tech savvy so I'm not really sure how this sort of thing should work. What exactly should I do? Thanks!
3 responses
• India
15 Apr 10
Best way is to hire a freelancer i believe..or if you are running low on budget you can get a word press blog in minutes for free.
• United States
15 Apr 10
i see you are new to mylot. welcome to mylot. i have never done anything like that before. i am not sure how to do that. so i am sorry if i am no help. i am interested in doing that aswell. but there are many other ways of making money online. i make money online playing mmorpg games. if you are interested then you can add me and PM me for details. best of luck with earning.
@Reeema (130)
• India
15 Apr 10
Ya ! I have built a website by making use of this site http://www.thewebpole.com/twp/website-tonight/ It worked out great & i got satisfactory result.. If you need to built a website make use of this site ..