Did you go to worship with others today?

@blummus (451)
United States
February 28, 2010 10:35pm CST
For many religions, one of the weekend days is regarded as holy. If you belong to a religion that holds Friday, Saturday or Sunday holy, did you join others in worship this weekend? Would you tell the rest of us a bit about your way of worship?
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4 responses
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
1 Mar 10
Friday night, all Saturday, and all Sunday me and hubby worship the God/dess of relaxation. Do not know what his or her name might be. How we worship this deity is to we watch TV, play games, and go out and eat dinner. Also some times we partake in his or her spirit, distilled spirits that is.
@blummus (451)
• United States
1 Mar 10
Oh, please, Gewcew, seek the name of this divinity of relaxation and good times, that we might all join in grateful celebration! *G* Thank you for answering.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
4 Mar 10
worship the God/dess of relaxation okay I'm all against worshipping...or I was until now!! LOL
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• Mexico
1 Mar 10
Greetings blummus! I go to church on sundays but I don't think about it as a holy day. I worship God all week but as you mention, this is the day I gather with other people to praise him together. Actually, today we had a very special sunday because the church I attend to moved to a bigger place with faith and for our surprise, many new people came and had almost full house. We where all very happy and had lunch together after we worshiped God and thanked him and gave the message of Jesus to the new people! How about you? Do you have a holy day? How do you worship? Have a nice mylotting! Libna.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
4 Mar 10
NOpe...not today, not yesterday and not any other day...Why? Two very key reasons..#1 my path is solely mine which means that though there are others who believe similarly, nobody else believes completely as I do and #2 I worship nothing and in fact am one who is very against "worshipping" altogether.
@daliaj (5674)
• India
1 Mar 10
I am a south Indian and I don't celebrate holy. I have a few neighbours from North India and they celebrate holy. I don't have off from work toay. I am going to work. So, there is no chance of celebration at all. I wish all the people happy holi and a good time. There are lots of peoople from North, who live in my city. So, I gues resturants and shopping malls will be crowded today.