OUCH I'm paying the price for a good night out

March 3, 2010 6:15am CST
My 58 year old carcass is riddled with osteo-arthritis, I have damage to the lower two discs in my back, I have degenerative nerve damage in my neck and am growing older a lot quicker than I would like. Regardless of my physical state I still persist in behaving and acting like a teenager at times and today I am paying the price. Last night my partner and I went to a gig at our local pub. I wasn't too sure if it was likely to be a good night but I was very pleasantly surprised as the band were far better than anticipated and I ended up head banging with the rest. I used my walking stick to play air guitar, I threw caution to the winds and had a brilliant night out. This morning I can hardly move :-( My back has locked, I'm just about able to walk bent double, my neck hurts like heck and I'm drugged up on major league painkillers. I KNEW I would end up in this state, I KNEW it was a bad idea but I still did it. I will probably be in a state for the next few days until I revoer a little BUT I don't regret it for a second. So my question is, knowing your physical capabilities, do you still overdo it? Do you even contemplate going over the top knowing that you will suffer the repercussions?
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18 responses
@Sandra1952 (6047)
• Spain
3 Mar 10
Do I go over the top? Oh yes! I have Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus and Osteo arthritis, bet I atill behave like a teenager when we have a good night out. I may suffer for it for a few days, but it's worth it just to stick up a metaphorical two fingers at this treacherous body of mine. In my head and heart I'm 18, I'm told I look as if I'm in my early forties, my birth certificate says 57, but my body thinks it's almost ready for the telegram from the Queen. I like to remind it who's in charge occasionally. Okay, I know it's not really me, but you have to break out every now and then. Call it the rebellious teenager in my head.
3 Mar 10
YAY I'm not the only one then LOL I always planned on growing old disgracefully, good to know I'm not the only one
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3 Mar 10
*shudders* the alternative - oooo no no no no
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• Spain
3 Mar 10
Growing old disgracefully? Yes, that's about it. And if I didn't hurt so much, I'd be even more disgraceful. Beats the alternative, doesn't it?
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@webearn99 (1742)
• India
3 Mar 10
Wow! Good for you for having a awesome time! Now that you feel the pain, it is time you realised that you are not fit. Age has nothing to do with it. You conditions are manageable and your pain is avoidable. What simply need to be done is to tone up your body and mind. Consult your Doctor. Take medication regularly. Excercise under supervision. Physiotherapy or yoga under licenced supervision is a good idea. I do it all the time. I am a juvenile diabetic, Insulin dependent for about 30 years. That does not stop me from having a sweet tooth occasionally!. I look at my behaviour for one month, good or bad, to indulge myself. If i have been regular at all the health pionts, then it is a definet go! This has never boomeranged on me.
3 Mar 10
Thanks hun, I have my painkillers and condition management but now and again I just have to let rip. I may be paying for it now but it does you good to have fun doesn't it
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• Canada
3 Mar 10
Sorry to hear that your not feeling the greatest hun, sounds painful! BUT on the other hand I'm glad you had fun! ROCK ON! The only times I have done something knowing I would pay the price the next day was after I had my girls. I had both of them via c-section and with hubby returning to work within the first week or so me lifting them in their car seats was a big no no but I did it anyhow! Thankfully I didn't do any major damage, but the next day needless to say I didn't go anywhere in my truck that would have meant I would have had to carry them and put them in the truck in their car seat!
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3 Mar 10
Now that's a big ouch hun. Perhaps you should have got hubby to rig up a block and tackle winch for you :-D
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• Canada
4 Mar 10
It's amazing how much a woman can put her body through for her kids! I didn't do any major damage so it's all good! And hubby was at work so I had to do stuff by myself during the day!
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@dawnald (85146)
• Shingle Springs, California
3 Mar 10
Yeah, I do all the time. The body may be 52, but the brain thinks it's still 20...
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3 Mar 10
- the mind is willing, the flesh is knackered. I doubt if I will ever truly quit acting like a kid although perhaps I *might* slow down a little - yeah well maybe not.
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@dawnald (85146)
• Shingle Springs, California
3 Mar 10
Dawn starts singing "I won't grow up" and skips off...
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4 Mar 10
*Skips after Dawn* LOL
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
5 Mar 10
I can't say I never overdo it, but I think that is a relative concept that is very subjective. I don't overindulge in anything consciously because it isn't worth whatever fallout it causes in life and I don't often have the time.
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6 Mar 10
I try not to overdo things as a rule but this time I think the music and the dancing kinda took over :-D
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@Canellita (12029)
• United States
10 Mar 10
Music and dancing have that effect!
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@pandaeyes (2065)
3 Mar 10
Sometimes on Sunday we will do a long run. Not the 40 minute thing we do in the evening, this is much longer about 1 and a half hours. Before Christmas we got up to 16 km. After Christmas and all the snow my hubby said lets do a shorter version and we ran 7km as we had not run for 3 weeks. My poor legs next day! I could hardly walk down the stairs they were so shaky. I think we will get back to the long runs again but slowly and surely wins the race LOL
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3 Mar 10
My partner has just started back at the gym, he hasn't been for 4 weeks or so, and he aches all over too. :-D
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3 Mar 10
I often forget to take my medication too hun :-D
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@pandaeyes (2065)
3 Mar 10
I take glucosamine tablets which are meant to help with joint ache . They do make it less likely my knees will react but remembering to actually take them is the toughest thing.
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@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
3 Mar 10
glad to hear that you are having so much fun last night... i never dare to do what you are doing... i know my physical limitations and i wouldn't dare to go over it as i don't want to suffer the consequences... anyway, every person is different and i am a person who like to play it safe and wouldn't dare to take a risk... please do take care of yourself and have lots of rest now to recover your body... hope you will be well again soon... take care and have a nice day...
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3 Mar 10
Thanks hun, I guess I should know better but it was so much fun
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
10 Mar 10
Hi Recycle I really hope that you are better by now lol Yes I over do aswell and should not but I do regret it lol because mine is through being stubborn and doing more then I should like with the move lol I will learn one Day I guess that I have to pace myself Hugs and take care
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10 Mar 10
Hi hun, I'm just as stubborn hun, and yes I should learn how to pace myself more but it was such fun
@Celanith (2327)
• United States
4 Mar 10
I know what you mean. I am 60 and still I try and get out and do things. I have ostioarthritis of both hips and knees and also feet hurt all the time pain in my back upper middle back and shoulders. I also have Fibromyalgia but I have been going to swim aerobics twice a week and hope to go more soon as I get into better shape. I also have been walking and boy do my feet hurt. I am having to get back into things as spring breaks and weather warms. I do better in the warmer weather. I like to dance and to sing Kareoke and swim. I think if I lose 90 lbs it would help a lot too. I get stiff muscles but I think working out is helping some bit now . The first couple weeks though it was really bad been going six weeks now but over did it today walking too much plus swim aerobics.
4 Mar 10
Good for you hun, it's great to be able to keep on going even when the body is broken.
@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
10 Mar 10
I run up and down the stairs ten times each morning, then lift weights, dance like a fool for another 5 minutes, and then do 100 sit ups. I had to stop for one week because my bones were shoved up my heart and I'm pretty sure I stopped breathing. I can't wait to get back to this routine.
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10 Mar 10
A routine like that would have me six feet under hun - LOL
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
3 Mar 10
yes, i do that too. i have knee issues (knees of a 75 year old) and other health issues but sometimes things need to be done around the house and if i am having a good day, well i go to it and like you, i pay the next day.
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4 Mar 10
I've not touched the housework other than a little light dusting, I guess I'll catch up when I feel a little more mobile :-D
• United States
3 Mar 10
Its not that I just do it anyway, I usually forget while playing, and then pay the price later. I am a three months away from being 29, yet I still forget how old I am and go back to my tom-boyish ways. I get to wrestling with my younger boy cousins because I've been talking mess and they've been talking more. Or even my male friend lol. Then later on or even the next day I have wrenched wrists and my back is hurting, and I remember once again that I'm not 12 and I don't need to be doing all these types of things. But I guess its too long in between. Because I always forget and get into the spirit of the moment; and here I go again, inflicting injury on myself lol.
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3 Mar 10
LOL we still do it don't we, we know we will suffer afterwards but at the time it doesn't enter our thoughts
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@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
3 Mar 10
Sometimes it pays to be cautious especially when it has something to do with your health. Next time, be careful because of your health history. I am like that too when I hear my favorite music. I dance like crazy but I don't have a history of any ailment, thank God, so I can do as I please. I did that one night out and I ended up with a lot of aches, like muscle pains, due to over-fatigue.
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3 Mar 10
It's far too easy for me to forget about my ailments and just *go nuts*
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@fred11 (62)
3 Mar 10
no one can put or stop a good horse right but as age comes by a good horse will always have limitations. i am not saying stop doing what you want to do but try to limit your self especially on the number of time or for how long you are going top do it. What ever you do it enjoys you it satisfies your need for a good time. Just try to limit your self on how long you are going to do it and at least take your medicines before you do it. In that way you won't be feeling the way you doi after you enjoy your self
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4 Mar 10
Good idea hun, take the pain killers before I do myself a mischief :-D
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
8 Mar 10
I hear you sister. The truth is, I would if I could but the body refuses to co-operate. I'm quite doddery these days...not the light footed gazelle I was 12 years ago. I've also lost my co-ordination somewhere along the line too so I can't even keep time with the music. If you see a big whale on the dance floor...that'll be me...sitting on my bum. LoL
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9 Mar 10
but your spirit is still willing hun, that's the main thing
• United States
7 Mar 10
Yes, I also throw caution to the wind at times & suffer the repercussions of over doing it. I suppose that comes with age....but aren't we suppose to wiser since we're older? LOL...well I'm not I'm still learning too...LOL Hope you recover well in a short time :)
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7 Mar 10
LOL yup I thought being older made you wiser too.
@ElicBxn (63532)
• United States
4 Mar 10
I never much went out when I was younger, so I can bet that I won't be going out NOW I'm not fond of crowds and loud places
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4 Mar 10
I must admit, I don't get out as much as I used to, so I guess I enjoyed myself a tad too much :-)
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@whyaskq (7523)
• Singapore
7 Mar 10
I believe the joy of enjoying what you are doing more than compensates the pain later on. Having a good night out is a healthy choice and I feel one should cherish it. Personally, it is still worth going over the top for a few day's discomfort. However, if it is a big calculated risk I will be taking, I will give it a miss. I will not even comtemplate.
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8 Mar 10
The fun was worth the pain hun