Reality Check

March 3, 2010 11:36pm CST
Every body is talking of Recession. Economy not in good shape. People lost jobs and so on. And the recession is a global effect. They say some countries are hit hard and some are not effected or a little effect. In which country you are. Is your country effected by recession and economic downturn. How much has effected your personal life style. It has effected negatively or it has effected you positively to you personally. May be you got better job or promoted or your business flourished. As some countries are not effected so are many people are not effected negatively, even many people personal life has changed positively. May be your business flourished. Some time, some where in economic down turn some bussinesses flourish. What are your observation. What are your ideas. If you want to cooment on this issue, you very well come; as this is the very real issue that effects every person. Even one person is effected. all the family members are effected with him or her. So what you say. Thank you
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