i'm scared for my dad

March 5, 2010 4:54pm CST
two days ago my dad was admitted to the hospital because half of his face got "droopy". scared would be an understatement to describe what i felt. i spent the whole day crying while watching my dad's store, when someone called up looking for him, i can't stop myself from crying. he has mild stroke. and he's only 56. many things were running my head at that time, but most of it was--the tangible reality of life can be taken away with just a snap of a finger. i am scared for my dad. i am scared for my mom. being the eldest i am expected to be strong--but i am not. i just want to pour this out, mylotters, since i can't tell all these to my friends. please pray for my dad--or fast recovery, for my mom--to be strong, and for me as well. thanks and i feel a little better after sharing what im feeling.
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5 responses
@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
5 Mar 10
My dad had a mild stroke in his 50's also and he is now a very healthy 78. Chances are that your dad will be fine. My thoughts are with you.
• Philippines
5 Mar 10
thank you. i pray he will be back to normal...
• Philippines
18 Sep 10
me..too. 'm scared for my dad....especially if he will get angry to me,,,,,i'm very scared..but i always think that , that is for my own good,,
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
6 Mar 10
I'm also the eldest and I worry about my mom and dad all the time. Even though I don't show it to my family all the time, my thoughts are always at my parents who are half way around the world from where I am. I may just call them after this. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I wish your dad could overcome this and just live a healthy and long life afterwards.
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
12 Aug 10
Well i am not scared of any parents!!
• India
9 Mar 10
I really pray for you my friend and i hope that you can manage your family do get upset, your father will get well soon.By your friend