iPhone Duplicate..?

March 6, 2010 10:26pm CST
Ever Heard of a duplicate i phone..? well if you are in asia you would have surely heard about it as it is a craze for people among here who dont have enough money to buy the original.the duplicate i phone is called by many names including e-phone,sciphone,aiy-phone and others..the image that i have given here is that of the duplicates image.they look exactly the same and has all the features that the original has got and in some phones they even have extra features which are not available in the iphone itself.some has got even double camera and video chat and flash which the iphone does not have.. even though they have these features they are made out of cheap chinese materials which makes them feel bad.its really disgusting to see this sort of duplicates.
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6 responses
@champan (513)
• Argentina
7 Mar 10
Here in South America too. There lots and lots of them. They have some features as the real i phone. Some have analog tv, a kind of windows mobile. I dont know they are just horrible. They last few months. Worst thing is that people buy these just because the price.
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• India
7 Mar 10
Yaq price is obiviously the first factor for people buying these mobiles,but we cant find fault with them as the price of i phone is really too much and provided it does not have some basic features like forwarding sms and etc..you have to understand their situation also..
@pcserver (392)
15 Mar 10
Yeah, I've seen this duplicates, too. They are just awful. Nothings like the original, they are just cheap imitations. There are 100 models on the market like the iPhone, but a few are like the original one itself and they are even more expensive even and that's just idiotic. I do not think there is a better cell phone than the iPhone. It has specific features and cool gadgets and the Application store is just awesome.It requires a lot of resources and money to make something like that and noone in near future could make something so unique and powerful technology, but I do hope there will be better than the iPhone. :)
• India
16 Mar 10
yeah pcserver as you are saying nothing can beat the Iphone because its the best phone in the market today but for people who dont have that much money to buy a original i think that the duplicate is a good option and as you said that the best duplicate costs more,here in India we can bargain even the best for the price of the worst and that i think is an added advantage back here..
@ShepherdSpy (8544)
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
8 Mar 10
Imitations of a successful product are not a problem-They can usually be identified easily as not being the original,and they cost much less,so can be seen to be a bargain by shoppers and people who like to have the latest thing,but don't want to pay full price for the real thing.The rule of the marketplace,"Buyer Beware!" must be taken seriously-you may get a product that will work properly,and you may not,but repairs and a guarantee are some things you don't usually get with them..Counterfeit goods are a different thing..They are being sold as the Original Item,are branded the same way,may be boxed the same way,or "Sold without Packaging"..Assuming it does work correctly,if you try to contact the Brand Name Manufacturer,you have no course of action to take if there is a problem.The only thing you can do is bear in mind when shopping for something like this,that if something seems too good to be true,it usually isn't..
• India
15 Mar 10
what you are saying is partly correct and partly wrong as i think that some of these stuffs have a genuine manufacturer with their own website and one my friends own the iphone duplicate and it had a problem with the imei and the company immediately changed it and gave him a brand new set which is working well for the past 8-9 months..
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
8 Mar 10
It is not surprising. It seems that there is a cheaper version of almost anything nowadays. I’ve seen IPod knock offs too; they work but not as well, or for as long, but they are a fraction of the original’s price. I suppose people who buy cheap copies cannot expect the quality of the original product. It is illegal to sell such items in my country but if one goes to the local markets, they are sold almost everywhere so...Go figure. Personally I rather save up for the real thing!
• India
8 Mar 10
I Paula i think you are a little wrong actually..i have also used a duplicate ipod classic which as you told was just a fraction of the original's price and the sound quality was as equal as the originals but the problem was that i was unable to use it after two years.but that was really good..
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@kaylachan (62739)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
7 Mar 10
Saddly that sounds so typicle. I mean really what is this world coming too? Of course I'm suprised I hadn't herd of this before now. Quite frankly this sounds like something some idiot would wip up in their heads. But, of course I don't feel that the Iphone is all that great, it sounds like this might actually be an improvement dispite being made from cheep material.
• India
7 Mar 10
Leave alone iphone they have duplicates for all the higher end sets you could also find the n97 duplicate available in the market today and they do have better features than the original with better interface also,but the only problem with these sets is their built..even though they look like the original and have the same features they are a bit of headache when it comes to battery and headsets..
@floridia (296)
• Algeria
9 Mar 10
by a brief looking u can easily notice the huge difference. those rabbish duplicate iphones are everywhere in the market.