US Woman, JihadJane, used Internet to for terror.

March 10, 2010 2:19am CST
A Pennsylvania woman who called herselff Jihadjane was tied on Tuesday to an alleged assassination plot against a Swedish cartoonist who depicted the Prophet Muhammad atop the body of a dog. In an indictment unsealed Tuesday, federal prosecutors accused Colleen R LaRose,an American from the suburbs of Philadelphia, of linking up through the Internet with militants overses and plotting to carry out a murder. LaRose, 46, was arrested in Philadelphia in October, but her case was kept under seal. Although the indictment does not identify the target, a law enforcement offical said her case was linked to the arrests Tuesday of seven Muslims in Ireland in connection with a scheme to kill the cartonist, Lars Vilks. A group linked to Al-Qaide had put a $1000,000 bounty on his head for the cartoon, which the group perceived a insult to Islam. European news roports said Irish police, who arrested the four men and three women in Cork andWaterford, had corrdinated the operation with the United States. A Justice Department spokesman would not confirm whether LaRose had been inbolved with the Irish assassination plot.
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