South Africa on Fire by GT

March 10, 2010 5:47am CST
As much as reading an article similar to the one titled Shiceka 'declaring war on whites' would usually evoke the typical 'oh please, here we go again' response from me, I am somewhat pleased with the themes and emotions that the article touches on. Let me say right up front, there is one thing that is painfully clear about the African National Congress. They were started as an activist mobilisation movement, not a political party. Having watched the ANC try to govern a country since 1994, it's very clear to see that this movement does not have the competent and accountable structures in place to be able to gobern a country. To be frank, the ANC does not kmpw what they are doing in terms of running country. As carin Visser Rightly says in her open letter to Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs Minister Sicelo Shiceka, the 'Country is burning,' indeed South Africa is on fire and instead of the Usual ANC response in trying to constantly deflect attention away from their incompetence, is time that the ruling party recognise the situation in South Africa and accept responsibility for their part in this mess, for their part in not serving the people of our country.
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