adding /uploading photo in the discussion

@udayrao2 (781)
March 10, 2010 5:57am CST
Yesterday I tried to upload a photo in the discussion- and yes it was very relevant to the discussion but after following the instructions of the "add an image " and after submitting I was surprised that the photo did not upload by the side of the discussion but went into my photos- anyone can tell me what is the correct procedure for getting a photo in the discussion?? Thanks a lot in anticipation.
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3 responses
@GoAskAlice (5815)
10 Mar 10
udayrao2, is this the image? Can you show me which discussion it was supposed to go in and where? We have another member who is having a similar problem and knowing how your glitch transpired will help solve both problems. Thank you!
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@udayrao2 (781)
• India
11 Mar 10
Hi Alice ( presuming that is your name!!) The discussion I started was under the subject "Did you learn to cook?" under "QUESTIONS & ANSWERS" and I wanted to upload a photo from my file showing a couple of oriental dishes under "food" (it shows as uploaded 1 day ago at present). I followed the instructions given on the side saying "add an image" but when I did that instead of (the foto) going to the discussion it went into my photos. I was sure there was some problem and so I asked and when cykera responded saying that I should have 500 I thought that was the problem so I accepted that answer. Now if you know whether that is right or not or whether it is a software problem inform all as other mylotters may also be having problems and this will help them too. Thanks & regards
@udayrao2 (781)
• India
11 Mar 10
Yes that is the photo uploaded- I thought I had typed and saw that I had not only after submission of comment.
11 Mar 10
Thanks udayrao2! I've noted all of the information and passed it to our programmers.
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
10 Mar 10
you should have a 500 rating first before you were able to upload pics on discussions...
@udayrao2 (781)
• India
10 Mar 10
Ok thanks a lot, that helps
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• China
10 Mar 10
CKYERA, i didn't get your point. It means what? When we can upload photo? Did you mean after reach 500 discussion? Or something else. Please reply my question.
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@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
10 Mar 10
hello dreamsharmin, it means when the number beside your name become 500, that's the time you can upload photos in discussions... the number beside our name is the user shows the level of a user's activity here... you can learn more about it here...
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
10 Mar 10
The first person here has it right. But even then there are glitches where it doesn't always upload it. I have that problem a lot and it gets frustrating at times. As always..... HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB!!~
@udayrao2 (781)
• India
11 Mar 10
Thanks a lot for your response - from one grandpa to another!!!