why is it say this way

March 12, 2010 8:40pm CST
i wonder why we always hear people say, 'drink like a fish, smoke like a chimney, eat like a pig, sleep like a dog and dress like a christmas tree'. how did this so call phrases ( if that is the way we called them ) started and what is the background for this rational. i know smoke like a chimney as chimney emits smoke all the time when burning in the old days. niowadays there are hardly any chimney. as a child, i really believed that santa clause came dowm from the chimney with his bag of goodies.
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1 response
@caloyie (40)
14 Mar 10
Those terms also tagged as idiomatic expressions. Sometimes we need to exaggerate the words not meaning so literal but when you read behind the lines, it's it.. The meaning that you're trying to convey ^_^
• Malaysia
14 Mar 10
hie caloyie, now i understand these expressions better. i quite like all these expressions and i am going to look up more of these to learn. in a way, will expand my english and exposures. thanks once again.