
March 14, 2010 7:55am CST
Hey,guys. Have you take GRE exam? How difficult it is? Can you provide my some info about GRE? I'm confused. PS. please tell me where you come from. Thank you!
1 response
• United States
14 Mar 10
It isn't that it's difficult, assuming you've done well academically this far. I think it gets in your head a little if you let it. Remember, your GRE or GMAT scores will dictate your eligibility to move forward into a graduate program. They both cover a broad sampling of your undergraduate work. The GRE is pretty generalized. The GMAT is used for business management students and focuses more on the business curriculum and mathematics. Don't walk into a GMAT test if you haven't taken statistics and calculus. The thing with either test is to prepare for it. If you're interested in going into graduate studies you need to do well or you're going to have a hard time getting into a decent program. I had a friend that didn't realize this was a test that some people spend up to a year studying for. He walked into the test cold. No prep. He's a smart guy, and he passed... Barely. He retook the test to get a better score. Get with an academic adviser so you can tailor your curriculum to suit your needs. They may also suggest you take some additional classes that admission boards look for. There are a lot of websites and study materials out there to help. Don't spend a bunch of money on some website promising they can teach you to ace these tests. You'll know it of you won't. Prepare, take a few practice tests, and you'll be fine. Half of the battle on the GRE is having confidence in your abilities. I hope this has helped & scared you (a little fear is good). Let me know if I can help. P.S. I'm from Florida.
• China
17 Mar 10
Hi,batcoutry72,thank you very very much for reponsing my question. I think I've learned a lot from your explaination and I think it'll be very useful when I prepare GRE. So I think I must try my best to prepare the test to achieve my dream. Lilyalone from China, thanks a lot.^8^
• Israel
1 May 10
try using for vocab