How Much does your little brother get on your nerves?

United States
March 23, 2010 9:13am CST
Brothers and how they annoy you sometimes
2 responses
• Pamplona, Spain
23 Mar 10
Hiya Shortynpink, My ex Brothers because that is what they now are at least I´ve decreed it to be so were terrible. One was more terrible than the other and I always always always had to look after them till I got to the age of eleven and I started to find a bit of my own freedom one was going to a Girls only School but then they changed it to mixed but even so I managed to dodge them all day long. Phew much to my relief I only had to see them of a night time. You might say what a horrible Sister I was the younger than me one would break everything I had into smithereens and nobody did anything about it. I had a beautiful cedar wood recorder hand made in Germany and he split it down the middle with a Hammer. All sorts of cool things like throwing darts at your back legs to see how many he could get to dig in to your leg. Infinity of cool things that I would take a whole book up to write about. He would always tell tales about me also even when I had not done anything wrong. Want to swap yours for mine? (grin).
@Wizzywig (7847)
23 Mar 10
I really cant remember my little brother ever getting on my nerves. we were very lucky that we always got on well. I would give a lot to still have him around - he could get on my nerves as much as he liked