Where is the boundary between being frugal and being scrooge?

March 25, 2010 3:56pm CST
A lot of people save money in order to spend them in future but some people believe that it's never enough but how can we determine when it's time to say "I've saved enough money and it's time to stop saving"? How do you determine when to stop?
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3 responses
• United States
25 Mar 10
I think you should never stop saving, but it is ok to let loose and treat yourself occasionally. My mom uses this word "spaving" (spending and saving mashed together) to describe her shopping technique. She'll get something that she wants, but she'll wait for a sale, coupons, or any other discount she can get. That's what I think of when I think of the word "frugal". I believe a scrooge is someone that is selfishly saving money. They don't tip appropriately, "forget" their wallet when they go out with a group of people, or don't pay their fair share.
• Bulgaria
25 Mar 10
And what happens in times of high inflation. Seems like all your savings go to hell?! Maybe saving money is being deprived of living - money has value, money is numbers that we use to exchange for material stuff. Don't you think that it's better to buy some material stuff cause you can often sell it for better price even in times of high inflation. You wouldn't buy the clothing you want today and save money with the hope that some day you'll get it but in times of high inflation you realize that for the money you've saved so long you can't even buy a piece of that clothing you wanted to buy before. I'd prefer to spend more and save less cause life's short and no one get rich of savings...
• Canada
25 Mar 10
I think one can never save enough. Who knows what it'll be like in 10 yrs from now? Prices arent going to go down on anything. So the more you have saved up, the better you'll be in the future. Now, that doesnt mean you have to go without any fun in the meantime you know?
• Bulgaria
25 Mar 10
So uncertain future is the reason the that makes us save more and more? In this way we could save for all our lives cause there's no such a thing like "certain future".
@phoenix8606 (4942)
26 Mar 10
hell0 there! i think the boundary is there where the friendship and the responsiveness begin, because being frugal is really something good and it is not bad at all, but we must really now where the boundary is, in order to keep our friends, because we all know that scrooge people don't lend money even to their friends, which I think is very stupid and unacceptable for me!