Do you manage to forgive someone who did something really bad to you?

@grkelly (1206)
March 28, 2010 3:27pm CST
Even if that person is a relative or very dear friend? It is surely difficult to forgive. As the saying in a song says- sorry seems to be the hardest word- do you agree? Do you believe that it is possible to forgive and forget?
12 responses
• Philippines
31 Mar 10
It depends on whether the "bad" that the person did to me was intentional or accidental. If it had been intentional I wait and forgive later until he realizes his fault. If the person hurt me by accident then why would that person even bother to beg forgiveness from me and why should I be angry at him. The tricky part is in knowing the difference between an intended offense and the accidental. Often when something bad happens to us, we bite the nearest person without thinking first. It is important to be in shape with recognizing the difference between an intended and unintended action from the individual.
• Philippines
29 Mar 10
actually its easy to forgive someone no matter how bad they was to me, though the hardest part is to forget what they do to me. i might forgive them but i will never forget it and it makes me stay away from them. it gives space between me and them. thats why its really better that we must forget things first before we forgive someone, so that once we forgive them it really means a lot to us.
@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
29 Mar 10
Forgiving is really hard,but we must forgive,in order God to forgive us too. We pray and asks forgiveness from God,and yet we,ourselves cannot forgive someone who offended us. It is not easy to do,but at least we should try to forget things/bad things and let peace live in our hearts.
@junrapmian (2169)
• Philippines
29 Mar 10
No matter what have happened, yes, I can manage to forgive but it will be very hard for me to forget the pain that I have gone through. Even if it's a friend or a relative, if he had done me wrong that hurt me so much, I really can't forget it. And that everytime I see that person, I will always remember what he did me wrong.
• Bulgaria
29 Mar 10
No, I can't forgive, I can't forget neither. If that happens I try to accept it and to live with it. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. And yes, sometimes sorry can be the hardest word. And sometimes it's just the word that people use when they did something wrong. I hate when someone did something bad and then think just saying "sorry" will fix things, like it's a magic word.
• India
29 Mar 10
Tough job,but u feel gr8 after doin it.go ahead.
@picjim (3002)
• India
29 Mar 10
I tend to forgive but not forget.The pain and hardship lingers.I definitely will not hold a grudge against him but at the same time the relationship can never return to the earlier level.The trust in the relationship is lost.I do believe that those words spoken by Elton John are the most difficult to say.
• Philippines
29 Mar 10
it s possible to forgive and forget but it s not easy. i would take you some courage and time to do it.
• Philippines
29 Mar 10
I always believe that it's easier to forgive than forget. Some would say that not forgetting is a sign that you have not fully forgiven the person. I don't believe so. I believe that we all must learn from our experiences. If the person who wronged us can say that they are only human -- we can also return the same to them. "I forgive you. It doesn't hurt as much anymore. It doesn't hurt at all. But you have to understand -- I am only human. I never want something like this to happen again." Cheers grkelly!
@ada8may21 (2405)
• Philippines
28 Mar 10
I really dont agree that to forgive is to forget or forgive and forget. I am kind person so forgiving someone who hurt me much is is just like giving candy. No worries, I could forgive you that easily but trust me that pain you caused me it will remain and if it will healed there is always a scar to always remember that pain. It would be better to say I already forgiven you but I could not forget it. Before I had a boyfriend who hurt me so much, he cheat me many times until I caught him sleeping with my friend. By doing that he really hurt me so much and my work was affected until I decided to give up my work and go to my hometown to ease the pain.
• Japan
29 Mar 10
i do forgive and forget what my ex husband did to me,is about long story that i stay happy with him for 7 years and knew it that his change to be some body else that i don`t know,since he cheat on me is really hurt to know that he want to separate just because he falling love to other woman who not really care of him just want him for a moment or just want his money his company but not him,i was said to my husband even is really hurt okay go with that girl as long as you want to stay and hurry back for us cause we have children but he never come back and ow the girl is leave him a lone after make our family brook up,i forgive him and i do forget never talk about it at all,cause every time i remember more i feel hurt to know me and children have to stay a part without him,and i do forgive cause i feel really better with that i also thanks to him cause he gave me two children and i was happy with him about 7 years,too bad to know he was not really happy with his life now...i ll keep for his happiness:)if you can not forgive there is really hurting you:)
@jinjer168 (1596)
• Philippines
28 Mar 10
It is really hard to forgive others who did something wrong to you even if that person is your relative. I am a very vulnerable person and i easily get hurt. I can say that i could forgive but its really hard for me to forget. Cases varies depending on what they've done to me. For instance, i have this person who hurted me much, and i forgive him already, problem is that, i still don't want to see or talk to him.