Could we really blame someone if they're in a relationship because of money?

@laydee (12798)
March 30, 2010 9:28am CST
I know of a friend who's only in the relationship with some guy because the guy has a lot of money and he could buy her anything. Not being a gold digger, I do understand her, she comes from a poor family and has been supporting her family since she started working. I guess she doesn't want to go back to that situation which is why she's looking for someone who would take her out of poverty. The guy on the other hand was the only son of a wealthy businessman, but was quite spoiled. She told me she can take his attitude as long as she would no longer need to work that hard. Could we really blame someone if they're in a relationship because of money? I think they have their own reasons and they alone could explain why. Besides, should there be problems who could blame them for wanting to survive, right? What are your thoughts on the subject?
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10 responses
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
31 Mar 10
You bring up a very good point, my friend! People can tend to look down on others who claim to be in relationships that benefit them. However, when it gets right down to it, I can't blame them because I'd probably want the same thing! We all have relationships because they give us what we need, what we are lacking in life. Our significant others are there to complete us, whether it's something we lack in personality or finance. I don't really look down on people who are in relationships because of money since they have the free will to choose. Hopefully both partners are in agreement as to why they're together. For instance, this friend you described, hopefully her guy understands why she's with him. If he's fine with that, then they can go on enjoying each other's company. However, I think they always need to be honest with one another. For example, if I were in a relationship with my husband just because he was rich, I'd want to be honest with him. I would want to tell him that his wealth is attractive to me. I wouldn't want to hide it because if it's meant to be, then it'll work out anyway! I wouldn't want my husband to think I love him "just because" and then him find out one day my true motives and never want to see me again. So I would say as long as they're honest with each other, money can be a motivation for a relationship. Back in the day, parents would arrange marriages for their children. The man would make the earning, and the woman would stay at home and raise kids. So of course the woman would want to marry a man with money! I know nowadays things have changed a little bit, but basically that's what it's all about...being in a relationship because you want to and because that other person has qualities and possessions you admire. What is sad is when they're not honest with one another and have ulterior motives. That's the only time I would question a relationship. Great discussion! Thanks.
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
3 Apr 10
Indeed it's true that if the guy knows or understands why the girl is with him in the first place and accepts her regardless, then we can't really blame anyone at all.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
4 Apr 10
Couldn't agree with you more! If both partners in the relationship are accepting of the terms they both have set, why shouldn't we accept the reason they're together, even if it's for money? Take care, friend!
• Philippines
1 Apr 10
Even if they depend on money they have always something else helpful to do. Why not learn to be caring for the other person? If we blame them for their decision to be in a relationship just for money, it's only a waste of time. They have their own life and I don't think I can gossip about it knowing that it is all about money. I am not fond of discussing about money much less a relationship based on money.
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@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
31 Mar 10
i know what she means because i know what it means to be poor too. i hate putting my life on hold because i have no money.
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@myzire72 (1154)
• Singapore
31 Mar 10
Well, all I can say is, to each his own. There's always a motive behind everything we do. In the case of your friend, she probably couldn't endure living in poverty any longer. Therefore, her motive is totally understandable. Hopefully she manages to find a rich guy who loves truly loves her.
@wwdc41 (2)
• United States
31 Mar 10
Feel that in this day and age any girl should seek financial security any way that she can, legally that is. See no problem with this as long as she treats the guy with dignity and respect; he'll figure out soon enough where her true interest lies - and then proceed accordingly. Who knows, given time, she may even fall in love with the guy and vice-versa, and viola - "happily ever after stuff" will follow. Some claim that money can't buy happiness, but it sure can cushion the ride while you are waiting.
@greyz7 (859)
• Philippines
5 Apr 10
nowadays, some guys and girls go into a relationship because of money. and i don'y blame them because it's for their survival.
@rajaiv0810 (1012)
• Philippines
3 Apr 10
I wouldn't judge your friend. If her relationship may have the wrong motivation I'm sure that one way or the other she cares too for her boyfriend, even if not as much as expected. She is just being practical and I think it's better than to choose someone who cannot support her someday if they'll finally decide to get married. At this point in time, life in the Philippines is getting harder each day so it wouldn't hurt if she chose to be with the person who is already rich. Now if she is having difficulty with the attitude then she will just have to ask herself how far can she take it. If she can, then there's no problem. If she can't then I guess she'll just have to find another rich guy. hehe.
• Philippines
30 Mar 10
It's ok i guess. Just let her do what she wants. When you're really poor then you had a sudden boost financially it feels kinda relieving. I guess she's still in that state and It feels great to savor it. But once she's out of it she'll realize what she has got herself into.
@jinjer168 (1596)
• Philippines
30 Mar 10
I can't blame others who got into a serious relationship just because of money. First and foremost, each of us has or her own free will. Whatever we do, it is us who will suffer the effect of our action. We've got different brains, different level of understanding, different mindset and different reasoning, that's why it is said that no two people are exactly the same. It's alright to be concern with someone, or maybe give a sound advice, but its not for us to blame or judge anyone even it's hard not to do it sometimes.
• China
30 Mar 10
everyone have its lifestyle, we are not qualified to comment so much.everyone has its reason.what we can do is when seeing this ,ask yourself whether u r agree to.if not,be careful ,avoiding yourself in this situation.