DVD creation program

United States
April 6, 2010 8:20pm CST
Hello All, I'm assisting my mother in putting together a simple, yet attractive, DVD of some personal home videos and I'm looking for good software to use (and since they're home videos I'm hoping for free or very cheap). By attractive I mean has a nice and easy-to-use interface, allows you to change things like the background picture, and preferably has some sort of auto-preview function. A good example would be a program like iDVD I think... being Apple it's very clean and professional looking yet the program is easy to work with. Again, I'm looking for a program that will: 1. Take various video clips/ movies in a standard format like AVI or mpeg and put them into a DVD video 2. Is free or very cheap (50 or less) 3. Preferrably has a clean interface for both creating the DVD and the final output (i.e. menu); things like modifying the background images or auto-preview are a big plus. Any suggestions? Thank you.
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