Lifetime commitment? Having kids?

@happy2512 (1266)
April 9, 2010 10:31am CST
Happiness brought by having a child is priceless but the responsibility of having a child is not that happy. We have to strive hard to feed, clothe, educate our child. Surely we can hardly afford when it comes to education because its pretty expensive in sending out kids to exclusive schools. I fear that when my toddler grow up that I cannot give him the best education, provide him with his needs & never his wants for I cannot afford to give it to him. I really have a lot of fears having kids. I am hoping that I can support my kids financially until they have their degree. But I am sure that I can support them morally, spiritually but is it enough? How about you do you have the same fear as I do when it comes to our children? Please feel free to post.
7 responses
• Philippines
10 Apr 10
while kids are ok,I am not really a huge fan.I don't see myself having kids.I don't want my life to be defined as to 'being a mother' or 'being a wife'.I can't commit to a big,lifetime commitment and responsibility.I would rather live my life in my own terms.that way,if I ever screwed up,not other individual will be harmed with me.
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• Hong Kong
10 Apr 10
Hello Coco I never heard a person saying that she doesn't want to harm anyone and made up her mind not to make commitment. I always thought people dont' do that just because they found no confidence on others, so you are quite honest that you think you might harm someone somedays.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
9 Apr 10
Happiness brought by having a child is priceless but the responsibility of having a child is not that happy That may be your opinion but its certainly not mine! EVERYTHING about being a parent is priceless to me..I loved being preg, giving birth (yes you read that right LOL), raising my kids, taking care of them and watching them grow to be the amazing teens that they are today...I love the responsiblity..I love everything about being a mom.. Surely we can hardly afford when it comes to education because its pretty expensive in sending out kids to exclusive schools. so dont send them to private schools..its NOT necessary by any means....Whats MOST IMPORTANT when it comes to raising children is giving them UNCONDITIONAL love and support, being able to feed, clothe and house them and raising them to be the best they can be..That does NOT mean they have to have the best of fact I personally am against that to be honest with you...
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
9 Apr 10
Ya know even with my third child who was born 3 months preemie and during birth was (long story short) literally torn from my womb..I loved giving birth. I mean of course the pain of that was absolutely horrid and the scares that came after were terrifying BUT I was bringing another one of my babies into the world and I guess the way i see it is yes birth is pain (sometimes excrutiating) but its a really good pain and totally worth it ya know..
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@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
10 Apr 10
i am afraid i could not send them all to college. but with hardwork and patience, i will strive hard to give them proper education. i know it is their rights and our responsibility to provide for them. but sometimes, i can say, i did my best and gave everything, but not enough. anyway, i hope when someone take their schooling seriously, they would be a good help in the future, even not for the parents but for themselves.
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@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
10 Apr 10
i don't have a kid yet. but i know it is not easy to bring up kids. that is one of my fear. if i will not be able to provide well for my ids when the time comes i have kids of my own. but anyways, yeah, it is great to have kids but money is a big issue also in providing a good life for children. we have to make sure that we can provide for them. and there are so many poor people in my country who just brings children into this world though they don't have a job, and so the number of poor family is just increasing. but it is not the topic, but i think that we should really bring kids into this world that we can only afford to give a good life. if not then we should just have fewer kids. yeah it is hard to work then give kids education and give them allowances every day. but being rich does not necessarily mean that your kids will be happy or your family will be happy too. so i think that money is not only the factor to consider. many things else should be consider. we should be balance people who provides well financially and in other ways like emotional support and etc.
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@HelloMickey (1655)
• Hong Kong
10 Apr 10
Hello happy2512 I did fear about having a baby before, it was because I still can't live happily and I thought I can't give happy life to my childern. Last year was a good year to me, and I changed a lot. I come back to my old self and become back to active, positive and I am now taking a more optimistic view about my life. I think I can have a baby now and have planned it with my hubby. Hopefully, I want to be a mum next year.
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@psarami (19)
• Germany
10 Apr 10
if you fear having kids, then dont have kids, its a big responsibility... a good suggestion is to take care of a pet before making a baby...
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@jamzy19 (72)
• United States
10 Apr 10
yes we have the same fear too... now that i have two kids... all i want for them is to have everything they want.. but i guess money is not that abundant after all... so i have to do everything for them to give them the best that i can give for them...
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