Do you still find your husband (or wife) attractive?

April 9, 2010 11:30am CST
After being with your partner for many years and after finding out more about him/her, do you still find your spouse attractive? As in do you still kiss with your eyes closed and do you still get excited to see him/her after a long day of absence?
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5 responses
• United States
22 Apr 10
My husband is the only attractive man on the planet to me. I've felt this way about him since the moment I first saw him over five years ago. People keep telling me things will change, that we will soon be tired of being near each other 24/7, that you'll long to look at a different face...then why do we only seem to grow closer together? We do still kiss with our eyes closed, unless it's a peck. We're so in love that not only do I get excited once he's home from work, but I get super excited when he calls me from work less than a half hour after he leaves the house. I find myself so much more comfortable with everything in life when he's around. Sure, I have hobbies, I have friends...but none of it matters as much as one day with him does. Quite honestly, I feel awful for those people who feel as if their spouse isn't enough to make them content. I know how it feels for my spouse to mean the world and beyond to me, and it is beautiful! That's why I spent four years engaged to him, keeping things realistic and preparing for the rest of our lives, rather than rushing through like most. If the rest of the world disappeared and just left us, that would be A-OK for me.
• Philippines
24 Apr 10
Yes, it's sad to see couples becoming less and less attractive to each other. I know a couple who treat each other as though they were just housemates, no romance, and the wife is beginning to get attractive to other men. It's nice to know about your story, thanks for sharing!
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
A million percent yes. We've dated exclusively for 4 and a half yrs before we tied the knot. Now that we've been married for nearly 16 years I could never fathom why I still get excited just thinking of him. I could never claim that our love story is one made in heaven, it's also far from being has its flaws, an occasional battling of wits, we've also experienced multiplying our china pieces in numbers when we had our bouts, but as we grow together in love and in faith we find ourselves more drawn to each other these days. I don't mind that he has developed a bulging belly and that what was once a pair of beautiful teeth were now all (not really all) gone (he's now wearing dentures). In my heart of hearts, I know that the attraction I once felt for him won't in any way be lessened.
• Philippines
13 Apr 10
With all the divorces, separations, break-ups that Ive been seeing this days, it's really nice to find other couples in mylot who still find their partners attractive after being together for so long. More power to you!
@mods196621 (3652)
• Philippines
9 Apr 10
In physical attraction I think my husband is not like that but in terms of love he looks attractive still to me. Because he love sme so much and he care more than anyhting. I stiil love him tha tis why he looks till attractive to me.And i know i am still looks attractive to him. Have a nice day!
• Philippines
10 Apr 10
Yeh, I know the feeling, when there is still love and caring between husband and wife there is an attraction that still exists. Thanks for sharing!
@junrapmian (2169)
• Philippines
10 Apr 10
Yes, of course. We've been married for 26 years and we are both looking forward to Friday and Saturday nights of making love. He still kisses me whenever he leaves and arrives everyday. We still talk a lot. We still eat together in the morning and at night. I am always excited to see him home from office. Whenever he goes out with his male friends he keeps me updated as to the place where their going and who are the friends he's with. I guess, it's the love, trust, honesty and communication between us are some of main factors why we are still together.
• Philippines
13 Apr 10
Wow It's really nice to know that after being married for 26 years! I hope mine will last that long too. ^^ More power to you both! God Bless!
• Philippines
9 Apr 10
yeah i still find him very attractive. although i have learned the good and some ugly side of him im still very much in love with him and i think its a part of accepting person.
• Philippines
10 Apr 10
yeah, loving a person "despite of" is more important than loving a person "because of". Seems like the former denotes acceptance and the latter only denotes attraction which usually doesn't last long. Thanks for your response!