Am I backward? In these hi-tech times, does anyone still collect stamps?

April 9, 2010 12:10pm CST
In the office, I get to access the official mails sent by clients and other agencies. I thought stamps from those mails or letters are beautiful and lovely to keep. I started collecting them (anyway, nobody seems to mind them anymore). At first I placed them in some sort of a scrapbook, since I tried to search for a stamp book in bookstores and malls but I can't find one. I told my friend about it and she was surprised why I still do stamp collecting. She said mails and letters are not the "in" thing anymore, so she asked me why I still got that hobby. She said that emails and text messages are the common mode of long distance communication nowadays. Well, yes she is right but what the heck, i still love collecting stamps and I still got access to mails. Snail mails are still "in" as far as our office is concerned. Hahaha! So do you think I am that backward having a hobby of stamp collecting? As for me, stamp designs are really interesting and pretty and someday when they are totally gone and when the new generation would not be able to know what a stamp is, I could let them see my collections or share/donate them to museums! Bwahaha! Just a trivia: Philately' is the term which defines 'the collecting and study of stamps and postal history as a hobby'. (From Hey, does anyone still collect stamps? Or am I the last one? :-(
4 responses
14 Apr 10
hi! stamp collecting is a nice and down to earth hobby. I would still love to collect stamps if I have access to it. It is the more exciting now and a bit of a challenge because sending letters thru the post office is very rare these days. This makes your hobby very lucrative.-)))
• Philippines
10 Apr 10
I don't think you are backwards.if collecting stamps make you happy,by all means do this age of technology,doing something that is simple can bring much happiness and can be relaxing.stamps are like telling the history of a certain something.who cares if it's not an "in" thing?
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• United States
9 Apr 10
Hm? I'm pretty sure stamps are as important as they were years ago, but i see what you mean. but there are just more alternatives. I email people on occasion. I have sent letters here and then, but it aint my primary messenger. Heck, i hardly use a cellphone. I do like the idea of sending/receiving letters, but with whom, i dunno. I dont really communicate that well lol. I think the stamps are interesting. i went to buy some stamps a some time ago and i got the first class ones. They are now Purple Hearts. I dont keep up with the stamp trend, but that was the latest one. I wouldnt collect them (cuz i think thats just lame lmao) but if you really like that, then do what ya do. If you get enough and the right ones, your collection could be worth a fortune someday. I'm sure a lot of old people collect them. You're probably not alone.
1 person likes this
16 Jun 17
Lots of ppl still collect stamps , I do.