i loved a girl

April 13, 2010 11:09am CST
i am in a 12 grade , i used to like a girl so much but never had enough courage to tell her that i love her , since 9 th grade i knew her , i even told my external examiner for phy practical exam , when he asked whether i like some one , i said her name to examiner , bcoz i really liked her , even whole class knew about that , even she came to know that i love her , but i could not tell as she was a book worm , but now i think i made a mistake bcoz we dont resemble each other , now the feeling not that strong , and i think there are more than these waiting for you outside , may be more beautiful than that girl is waiting for me , is it true that i was just infactuated or just i was lost ?
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8 responses
• Philippines
13 Apr 10
It seems that you were still a teenager on that time, therefore i can say that it was infatuation. Not really love because it is really love you will not have that thinking that there are still other girls more beautiful than her. And if that is really love, you will have enough courage to tell her your what you feel to her because you can't afford to lose the woman you truly love.
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@kooltiger (848)
• Pakistan
13 Apr 10
friend i believe one sided love is not true love.. same happened with me.. i liked a girl from childhood.. when i grew up... i thought i was in love... when i managed to inform her that i m i love with her.. she refused.. it hurtled me i forgot her soon.. but when i really fell in love.. i realized that the feeling of my childhood was different..
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@caiye786 (95)
• China
14 Apr 10
Have you seen the movie named “Metallic Attraction kungfu Cyborg" ,made in China ,directed by Zhenwei Liu.It is about a love story. If you indicate to your lover,you have to die ,will you do it ?at the end of the movie,the leading man did it bravely.though they hadn't a happy ending ,but they experienced a short wonderful moment they were known they loved each other. i was so touch.
• India
14 Apr 10
i think we should never give our precious life for the sake of a girl , who dont respect your love , bcoz still we have our family to look upon .
@aisa62379 (150)
• Philippines
14 Apr 10
i think its just a crush not love and its normal to have crushes especially in our teenage years. Having a crush is inevitable even married we can still have crushes.
• China
14 Apr 10
I feed like a gril should be bold to pursue. Do not afraid to knows her you like her because she knows that you only like her she can decide whether to allow you to pursue ,pursuit of a girl to be brave,persistent and determined,to have indomitable courage.I believe you and her back for a better ending ,Iwish you good luck.
• India
14 Apr 10
It was great that you didn't tell her anything as she would have been very hurted if you have ditched her later...... As you feel that she was a bookworm and that's the reason you could not propose her denotes that it was completly an infactuation. The reason is when you like someone or else I should state when you love someone you don't look for the good or bad qualities the person has..But you just love her..be ready to do anything for her..be ready to face the world.. I pray that you find such a love.. and not liking in the future. Best of Luck
• India
14 Apr 10
thank you , you are so nice , i never thought of those things , you have great wisdom
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
14 Apr 10
For me think to relax your self because infatuation is not good it can bring your mined in to crazy.
@anurag3786 (6267)
• India
13 Apr 10
I think if you loved her truly.. then don't be so late.. try to tell her about your feelings which you will have in your hearts.. and i think if she also loved you then she never refused your proposal.. because life is too short my friend.. so if you late.. then another person can propose her .. so now don't wait more and tell her about your feelings.. good luck..