How to get readers for blog?

United States
April 13, 2010 2:20pm CST
My blog only has one post but aside from having family and friends read my blog- I'd like to get the word out and more readers once it becomes more active. I am going to Haiti to volunteer for 30 days and would like to blog/vlog about my daily experiences there. I won't start the blog until it gets closer to my departure date, but I think people might be interested to see and hear what is going on in Haiti from a regular Jane: Me. Any ideas? Thanks.
2 responses
13 Apr 10
There are a couple of great sites I use to get visitors they are and I have gained a few regular readers from these two places. I for one think your blog will be fascinating. Good luck with it :)
• United States
13 Apr 10
thanks for the links, gonna check them out.
@hcvvmk (175)
• Malaysia
13 Apr 10
you can utilize facebook to promote your blog..besides that you can signup for some websites such as pingomatic to notify about your blog update. you could also use your msn as well :) Good luck in your job in Haiti and God Bless you and the Haitians
• United States
13 Apr 10
thanks will look into that.