what will you do if you can not go to sleep at night?

April 14, 2010 2:17am CST
What will you do if you can't you go to sleep at night?I always listen some musics which can make me feel peace or can bring me to the Paradise .Sometimes i also read some books ,espcially some detective stories.What about you?
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34 responses
@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
14 Apr 10
Yup listening to music will help you calm yourself and then after sometimes makes you feel sleepy too. Sometimes i also try something like reading books makes me feel so relaxed and before you know it your feeling so sleepy already and then after sometime you will be sleeping soundly already too.You can also try drinking a glass of water before sleeping it will help for you to sleep nice and sound as well
1 person likes this
• Malaysia
14 Apr 10
what will i do if i can't sleep at night....take a sleeping pill, it is the best solution...=)
@jeeyah (1092)
• Philippines
14 Apr 10
Actually, sleeping pills aren't really recommended 'cause they may have bad side effects. And most sleeping pills are only on prescription basis.
• Malaysia
15 Apr 10
well....it's the "final" solution...lol
@jeeyah (1092)
• Philippines
15 Apr 10
Lol, I guess. If you really have a severe case of insomnia. Lol
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
16 Nov 10
I am most definitely an insomniac and because of that I have an entire list of things that I will do if I am not able to sleep at night. First of all I spend a lot of time in the evening on mylot. Then I also watch television, scrapbook and also read. If none of those things, I would just lay in the bed and spend some time in my own little imaginary world. After that, I am normally able to fall asleep in some sort of way.
• Boston, Massachusetts
16 Apr 10
Hi Oahcnehs, Welcome to mylot! When i can't sleep at night, i pray the rosary, keep myself relax and think of positive thoughts. i also listen to instrumental music. if i still can't really sleep despite all the above activities...i drink milk.
@Draeke (322)
• United States
7 May 10
Howdy Typically I put on some meditative style music and hope it helps, other times i end up on the tv or internet losing all sorts of time that way.
• Philippines
16 Apr 10
When i cant sleep..sometimes i listen to music, read a book, and watch TV..
@derek_a (10874)
15 Apr 10
I only sleep in short bursts during the night. Sometimes I will wake up and be unable to drop back into sleep, so in those circumstances I will get up and meditate. Meditation is said to be as refreshing as natural sleep. _Derek
@liquorice (3887)
15 Apr 10
Reading can also make me nice and sleepy. But if I have real problems I do tai chi or chi kung exercises in my sleep, it really helps to relax me enough to sleep. I've researched this subject a lot as I've never been a great sleeper. Here's what I came up with. http://hubpages.com/_x8qozdkx59zj/hub/A-Few-Tips-on-How-to-Get-a-Good-Nights-Sleep
@Lena25 (51)
• United States
16 Apr 10
I turn off the tv so I can get some quiet time and start to read a book or go thru the mail that was on my to-do list, grab a cup of tea and sip it. When I get simmered down, I can fall asleep because that chore has been done already. I figure that must have been what was on my mind and the reason I didn't fall asleep. Then I fall off to sleep without a problem.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
15 Apr 10
Hey oahcnehs! I am always having a hard time falling asleep at night so I have a variety of things that I do to help keep me occupied! I sometimes will turn the computer back on and mylot for awhile! That is my usual first thing that I do when I am finished watching tv for awhile! Then I will go back to bed and read! That is my last thing and most favorite thing to help me unwind and really try to get to sleep! I love to read and have gotten myself back into reading seriuosly now! I keep buying new books to keep myself going! I read about 10 books since last summer and just keep going! I keep lookinging for new books to buy all the time! I am expanding my library all the time and I love it!
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
15 Apr 10
hi oahcnehs, mostly i sleep late in the night regularly at 12.00 midnight,up to that time from 10.00 pm i will be on the net,if i could not go to sleep,i will be on the net,neither i am reading books nor some other books,but now also i am listening filmi music,have a nice day
• Indonesia
15 Apr 10
If I can't sleep at night, I will watch TV or DVD or surf the Internet. At times, I will go out and buy something to eat at home like instant chicken noodles, fried rice and a toast. In my country, those type of meals are usually for breakfast but will do for supper or late night meals too.
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
15 Apr 10
I don't often have a problem falling asleep. If I do then I try to shut my brain down and just think of nonsense things. I try to relax my body, starting at the toes and moving up. I also try and concentrate on my breathing, that helps in not thinking of things. If all else fails, I get up and read for awhile and then try again.
@nangisha (3496)
• Indonesia
15 Apr 10
I will drink hot milk, I usually hard to sleep with empty stomach, after a glass of hot milk I usually can sleep easily. Its usually happen when my bed time more than five hour from my diner. If I can sleep usually book can help especially the bored one. Don't read new and interesting book when you can not sleep because if I read it I will stay awake until morning come.
• Philippines
14 Apr 10
If I can't sleep at night (I usually do!)... I find mylot is of great help to occupy my "can't sleep hours". Like, right now I am replying to your discussion because I can't sleep (d**Mn). I hate lying down on my bed for hours, trying to sleep but I just can't! hmp... maybe I drink too much coffee today!
• Singapore
14 Apr 10
i will open my computer and doing some tasks to earn and also kill the time :)or i play games and it will make me feel sleepy or can do like Mrbean who did is counting the cow and that is make me very tired and will go to bed .
• Philippines
14 Apr 10
Sometimes I watch tv. Sometimes I just think of what happen during the day and I get to sleep in time. sometimes I do myself. You know :). It really depends on what is bugging me. One time I can't sleep because of extreme pain in my shoulders. I sleep sitted. Like a ball.
• Philippines
14 Apr 10
If I couldn't sleep at night, like tonight, I would play some games, or do something in the computer until I feel tired and sleepy, and since I joined here I would spend posting/responding discussions here to not waste the time.
@caliya (1170)
• Philippines
14 Apr 10
I usually listen to jazz music and it really helps put me to sleep like a baby. It also helps if you pray before you sleep so all your worries will be taken away. It works for me :)
@jeeyah (1092)
• Philippines
14 Apr 10
If I can't go to sleep, I try to read something. Reading usually makes our eyes feel tired, thus allowing us to rest it and eventually fall asleep. Music is also good as it can relax our brain. And around 1 hour before you sleep, you have to make sure that you stop using the computer. The glare or brightness of the computer screen can somehow influence our body and make our body think that it's daytime, so it'll be harder for us to fall asleep. So make sure that you stop myLotting 1 hour before going to bed. Lol