Do you think that padded bikini-bra is appropriate for a seven-year old girl?

@karlle (221)
April 18, 2010 1:18pm CST
Hello mylotters, It's summer! And the best activity for the weekend is to take a dip on the pool or a swim on a beach. Swimsuits and bikinis(two piece swimsuit) are in!. From young people to young at heart can wear swimsuits or bikinis. We can see colorful and lovely Adults & Kids swimming outfits in stores. Adults bikinis are usually design with padded bikini bra and kid's bikini bras are not padded. But, there is an issue now that stores are selling padded bikini bra for kids. So my question is, Do you think that padded bikini bra should be appropriate for a seven year old to wear? Why?
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8 responses
• Philippines
19 Apr 10
i think that it is completely senseless. what value are they trying to promote? i have 3yr old daughter and there's no way ill be buying those kind of clothes. do you know what the brand is?
@karlle (221)
19 Apr 10
Primark and Penneys store: ere's the link about. Thanks for the response :)
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
18 Apr 10
It seems like they keep pushing kids to grow up more and more. I guess it depends how padded they are. A little padding would be protective I guess but really I don't think it is appropriate for young girls. I was in shock when I went to buy underwear for my 7 year old and they had thong underwear in her size. Seriously?
@karlle (221)
18 Apr 10
oh my! thongs for a seven year old?!? that's insane! Thanks for the reply.
@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
18 Apr 10
That is totally insane! I don't think that would be appropriate at all, and I'd never buy one, much less let somebody that young wear one. What on earth are these manufacturers thinking?! While it's one thing for a little girl to play dress-up with Mom's clothes, it's another thing to have them think of themselves as having adult anatomy. It's sad, but I'm sure there will be Moms and others who will buy these for children, then wonder why they're growing up so fast, or becoming se*ual beings so young. Why can't people let children be children without forcing this kind of stuff on them at such an early age!
@karlle (221)
18 Apr 10
I agree! no padded bikini bra for kids. Thanks for the reponse. :)
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
18 Apr 10
OMG, this is ridiulous. They are trying to have a child look older wearing a padded bra. That is really disgusting especially with so many perverts out in the world today. I have to go to the store and check this out. When I tell my daughter she is going to be turned off by this completely. She has a 4 year old and I know there is no way she would ever let her wear a padded bra at such a young age. Are they trying to have the kids grow up earlier then they should what is the purpose of all this?
@karlle (221)
18 Apr 10
I agree with you. Thanks for the response! Happy mylotting!
@rumshie (186)
• Philippines
18 Apr 10
O______O it's ridiculous. LOL! i can't imagine a child wearing those padded bras. they don't have to since they don't have any b o o b s i e s yet. kids should act as kids. kids should wear clothes for kids. it would be disgusting if they'll wear it.
@karlle (221)
18 Apr 10
definitely not good for kids.. Thanks for the response :)
@grkelly (1206)
• Malta
18 Apr 10
I do not like the fact that children wear bras. It is better to wear a swimsuit. It is more decent and more fit for a child.
@karlle (221)
18 Apr 10
I agree no to padded bras for kids. Thanks for the response :)
@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
20 Apr 10
There are a lot of things being sold for children this age and younger that I have a problem with, thong underwear, high heeled shoes, sexy looking clothing, etc. No it's not appropriate, not at all.
• United States
19 Apr 10
Oh I really don't think this is okay! We should not sexualize young children! Ah that makes me sick, of course it is not okay. What are these swim suit makers thinking? There must be something I am just not seeing because this is just atrocious.