How do you like Langkawi Island?

April 21, 2010 3:44pm CST
Recently I had been on my vacation to Langkawi Island which is in Malaysia. I loved the place so much that I would definitely make it up again in few years. One week life in Langkawi was so peaceful. Such lovely scenaries, beautiful mountains, amazing small other island and a different food style. And above all, I loved the 'Island hopping trip' which was about 4 hrs covering 3 islands in a speed boat. Have you been there? And what did you like the most in Langkawi?
2 responses
@ada8may21 (2405)
• Philippines
21 Apr 10
I actually never heard about langkawi island. Its quite interesting, because what I know beautiful place in Malaysia is just the Kota Kinabalu. I only aware of it, never heard nor encounter the Langkawi Island. But the way you describe it, it sounded really good.
• Canada
22 Apr 10
Oh!! But if you have a chance, just fly there once and you will love it (if u are a nature lover). Thanks for ur response.
@ada8may21 (2405)
• Philippines
23 Apr 10
Well I would like to, I can assure you that I am nature lover. I am surrounded with nature so I would like to places that has wonderful nature sceney. Just loving it.
@dreamhome (558)
• India
27 Apr 10
Though I had heard about this place, I have not made a visit over there.. I may be visiting Malaysia in 2 months. I think I should not miss this place.
• Canada
27 Apr 10
Yea its a lovely place to relax. If you need any iputs let me know. And have nice trip to Malaysia.