If you were to choose between the following, which would you choose?

@laydee (12798)
April 22, 2010 2:05am CST
Everyone goes through life deciding on something. Decisions range from something serious to day-to-day decisions that don't actually have strong impact to our lives. On the other hand, all of us have dreams and wishes that serves as goals for the reason why we're here. Now, let's just say that you were given a chance to choose between two dreams or wishes of your life, which would you choose? a. Buying your Dream Car b. Taking your Dream Vacation Remember that the choices are limited to the two of them (A or B) and that you are not allowed to convert it to cash. Which would you choose? Should you choose the Dream Car what car would it be and why? Similarly, should you opt for the Dream Vacation where and why? I would choose not to give my own preference for this topic so as not to affect your decision. Keep it fun and keep it creative.
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45 responses
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
24 Apr 10
hi laydee, everybody must have some dreams to be fulfilled but some may fulfill and some may not fulfill,just like ups and downs every body may fulfilled some dreams and cannot fulfill some dreams,just like that to build a home really that is dream to me,because i does not have money to build,regard car also the same situation,traveling to some places that my be done in future i think,if we are luck we may fulfill all our desires,have a nice day
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
24 Apr 10
So for dream's sake, which of the two options do you choose per my discussion: a. Dream Car b. Dream Vacation If you could only choose one and it would be free. Which would you opt for?
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@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
24 Apr 10
hi laydee, thanks for the response,i will opt for dream vacation,if i choose dream car,if i got car that is recurring expenses of petrol and servicing,if it is dream vacation that will end with a tour that is one time expense,let me know your view about my option,have a nice day
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@baifuwa (636)
• China
24 Apr 10
If i have this chance ,i would choice B. the car is a good thing ,and it can satisfy my vanity.But i have no money to keep in good repair. The vacation can give me a good mood.the place which i want to go is American because i listened American is good .i want to review!
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
24 Apr 10
Oh you meant The United States of America? It may be so but it's only a vacation, you can't stay there forever. I don't think you need to repair something that's new however.
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@idowrite72 (2213)
• United States
23 Apr 10
I would definitely go for the dream vacation. I would like to see the 50 states before I am not able and it doesn't look like it is going to happen since it costs money that I don't have. It would take quite a while to see all the things I woul like to see, so it would definitely be the vacation of the lifetime. I am interested in visiting all the tourist attractions, even some I have already been to, not that it is many......Nigara Falls, Washington, DC, The Grand Canyon, Dollywood, Graceland, Disney World and Disney Land, Yellowstone Park, Vegas....to name a few!! The car would have to be maintained, anyway, and an expensive car, which would be MY choice, is expensive to service and maintain.........even the insurance would be too much!
• United States
24 Apr 10
I have been to some of them, so it wouldn't be quite that many, but it sure would be fun to do!
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
24 Apr 10
Whoah the 50 states!!!!!!!!!! That indeed is a dream vacation!
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• United States
24 Apr 10
well my car only has 50,000 miles on it so i would have to take the dream vaction i have travel the states with my late husband in a semi-truck but i seen them in a wind shield and a rear view mirror so i would like to go back and stop amd just be a tourist but firt i would like to fined somene to do that with.
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
25 Apr 10
Hehehe.. I guess traveling or being in a vacation alone is not as fun as when shared with other people ey. But let's just say you won the vacation trip right now and was allowed to bring maximum of 4 people along with you, who would he/she or they be?
• United States
25 Apr 10
well then i guess that i would give the trip to my 2 boys and there wifes and i would stay home with the grandkids
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• United States
22 Apr 10
I would choose RV car. I want to explore America with all the convenience that I need in a vehicle. I don't mind driving, every distance has its own adventure. From enjoying the scenery to camping and bringing along your family, its the best vacation.Plus if I get the car I can drive to Canada or any closest country that I can take with me by barge. Its not only a dream come true that lasts but its an asset worth a huge price if necessity comes that I have to sell it when I decide that I have used it enough to satisfy my dream vacation. I still want to live in a permanently built house not in a car. hehehhe...
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
22 Apr 10
That's great thinking there. An RV it is. Hehehe... Never fond of going in another country where you can't take your RV?
• Canada
22 Apr 10
Oh, shyte, same idea I had, I guess I should have read the responses first, eh? OOPS! Oh well.
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• United States
22 Apr 10
If I get the car, I get both, not either or. I get my dream car and a dream vacation. hehehhehe
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• United States
23 Apr 10
There is NO CHOICE for ME, I pick (B) Dream Vacation. An I'd want to go to MARS by way of China. Why? Because if I can't go now (there are NO FLIGHTS INTO SPACE) at least I can get a job teaching English as a second language over there!lol
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
24 Apr 10
Hmm... Why didn't you have a choice?
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• United States
25 Apr 10
I don't drive , I would pick a trip to london over a car any day!
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• United States
27 Apr 10
There are many. The history, the weather, I love rain, and the people. I just always dreamt of visiting London. Besides, I love, English accents.
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
26 Apr 10
Any reason why you'd like to go to London?
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@goldeneagle (6745)
• United States
4 May 10
I would choose buying my dream car, because my dream car is actually a Ford F-250 Crew Cab truck, and I could use it to make money hauling stuff. I often tow trailers hauling stuff for people, and having a truck such as this, which has a higher towing/hauling capacity than the one I have now, would enable me to haul bigger loads, meaning that I would be able to get more work...
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
5 May 10
Oh you're a workaholic too.
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
6 May 10
True enough!
• United States
5 May 10
Yeah I guess you could say that I am. I have to work all the time in order to pay my bills. A truck like this would greatly assist me...
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@andy77e (5156)
• United States
23 Apr 10
lol. You would think with how you set this up, that I could answer directly, but I can't. It depends. Depends on how long the dream vacation lasted. If the dream vacation lasted just a week or two, then I'll take the dream car instead. The car will last longer, and I can enjoy it every day for several years until it wares out. Alternatively, if the dream vacation can last a whole year, then I'll take that instead
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
23 Apr 10
It wouldn't be called a vacation is it were a whole year - it'll be called a retirement hehehe... Let's just say that the vacation is of the same value as the car. You can take anyone. You can stay at the most expensive suite, the most expensive place, etc. Your dream vacation. Would you still opt for the car?
@andy77e (5156)
• United States
24 Apr 10
You are going to hate me... Well since my dream car would be one of the most expensive cars on the planet, I'll opt for the vacation. The Bugatti Veyron retails for $1.7 Million dollars. With that much money on vacation, I could last about 2 years. I'll take that. A carnival cruise is only $70 a day. That would be just under $26,000 a year, which with $1.7 Million would last roughly 65 years. Sounds like a plan. I'll spend the rest of my entire life on a Carnival cruise, and forget the car. How's that sound?
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@verabear (796)
• Philippines
23 Apr 10
A part of me wants to go for the dream car (although I don't really have one in mind) because of the practicality of having my own vehicle to drive around with. It has its cons too though. Having my own car would mean energy consumption, and emission. and more expenses for regular maintenance of the car and gas. I understand the convenience of having one, and I know how having my own car will expand my opportunities for enjoying my weekends. hehe. But a dream vacation presents an opportunity to expand my horizons too, and a chance to experience the world in leisure. So if I can only choose one, I'd go for the dream vacation. I'd still be eventually able to save up for a simple car ;)
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
24 Apr 10
It's difficult to really choose, don't you think? It's even tempting to downgrade the vacation and downgrade the car so as to have them both. hehehe.. But that would be cheating.
@verabear (796)
• Philippines
24 Apr 10
yep, if that was a joy (downgrade), I'd go for it!
@RachelleNH (1396)
• United States
24 Apr 10
I'm choosing B-the dream vacation...and my reason is simple..I can always get a car-it may not be my dream car but it's not something I'll remember forever...If I took a trip to Egypt-that just might be a once in a life experience! I will go away with the memories and can cross it off my bucket list
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
25 Apr 10
I guess you've seen The Bucket List too. Hhehehe... So, where would you want to go?
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
26 Apr 10
ooohh.. Egypt.
• United States
25 Apr 10
Definintely Egypt first...then France-heck-around the world LOL
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• Haiti
24 Apr 10
Well, I'll buy the car of my dream. It's simple with that car I can pick up some of my family, friends and beautiful models on. Unless that vacation last forever ( if so, there will be no vacation at all {:)} ) I would buy my self a 2010 Lamborghini,a grey one. With a Lamborghini you reach once at a time; class, attention, and sportive dimension of your life. Imagine that you post you resumee and for they interview all the attendees saw yo u getting off that motor beast, If enough for you bug their mind down and to make a big impression on you interviewer if he or she saw you too.
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
25 Apr 10
Well, I'll buy the car of my dream. It's simple with that car I can pick up some of my family, friends and beautiful models on. Seems to be you'll be their designated driver or perhaps the driver in this one hehehe... As for the interview. I'd probably not accept you since the risk of you creating problems for the company financially is too high or great a risk since you've got a lot of maintenance to face with your new car hehehe.. If you're a public servant, you'll be screwed hehehehe..
• Haiti
26 Apr 10
A least I made you laugh and all those people, I'll pick up are mostly my relatives excepting the model, they can help me fixed my car and as for the interview, you are not the only interviewer on the city ( ha !) . Still, my car is probably not faultless but It will be with me in every trip, road, romance, cruise and life I'll save.You said the car of my dream, hey you are making a nightmare of it, not cool at all. :-(.
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• Philippines
23 Apr 10
I prefer having a vacation rather than getting a dream car....not that I don't like cars but here in manila it is difficult driving....dream vacation would be a better choice cause i've wanted to travel very far.
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
24 Apr 10
Oh yeah, just imagine, nice-looking car, the fastest ever... stuck in traffic! hahahaha... the funniest sight ever!
• Philippines
24 Apr 10
and add the heat and the floods here....yup i'd rather have that vacation anytime
@Darkoli (255)
23 Apr 10
If the dream vacation included a trip round the world, I would take that. I have always loved the thought of going round the world and seeing all the sights. I might choose the car because I could get a car worth millions and sell it to buy the holiday, plus more.
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
24 Apr 10
Hmm... with the taxes and difficulty of selling these days?
@Darkoli (255)
24 Apr 10
Hehe, well I could approach some million or billionaires and ask if they would want to buy a rare care (if it was that expensive it would probably be the rarest car in the world), there are some car collectors out there as well. Before I would make the wish though (I don't know if its a wish or not), I would first see if there was anyone who wanted to buy the car. If not, I would choose the holiday. Good question by the way.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
23 Apr 10
That's an easy one for me. I would choose my dream car over a vacation any day as I don't go on vacations anyway! LOL However, the type of dream car it would be, would be a little trickier to answer, though I think I'd have to pick a BMW 3 Series as I find 'em very sleek and oh so sexy. LOL Happy mylotting!
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
24 Apr 10
Because I don't feel it is necessary to do so. As you only gave us two choices to choose from I went for the dream car instead.
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
23 Apr 10
Why don't you go on vacations?
• Philippines
22 Apr 10
I'd choose the car. I'm not that fond of having vacations. I'm not a travel nerd. My dream car is a dodge viper and it'd be great if i had one of those. :)
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
26 Apr 10
Hmm.. wouldn't you be 'traveling' if you had a car?
• Philippines
27 Apr 10
Hmmm.. Yes, einstein. I mean, traveling to far places. :) i'm just looking to impress and also 'travel' but to near as in 'inside the city' places. Is this clear now, socrates?
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
23 Apr 10
This is interesting! At first I thought "gotta be a car" but then I realised that there would be no petrol/diesel for life included with that (and it's really expensive now) so it will have to be a Dream Vacation instead! Now then, where would that be? I've been lucky enough to visit Las Vegas twice with my hubby. Should we go there a 3rd time? NAH!! I have a friend I write to in London and he was - originally from St Lucia. He came over here in 1960 with his Dad to work and has lived in England ever since. He went over to St Lucia two years ago for a holiday that his sister over there paid for, which was a wonderful gesture on her part as he is quite poor, if I'm being honest. He sent me a lovely postcard and an amazing tea-towel that is so ace as it shows a map of St Lucia and all its attractions..definitely a treasured possession of mine that I won't use but will frame...one day. So, a dream vacation to St Lucia thanks! http://www.stlucia.org/
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
24 Apr 10
Hehehe.. Your first statement really made me smile. It's true that these expensive cars eat more gas than the regular ones. Hehehe.. The site was helpful, it's indeed beautiful there.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
24 Apr 10
Thank you! I've been told by my penfriend that the sea is lovely and warm over at St Lucia, unlike ours lol. Wish I was there right now, actually.
@bystander (2292)
• Philippines
29 Apr 10
well, i'd go for that dream vacation. with my wife, of course. probably, a cruise or even a travel around the world. also, another choice would be to have a long healthy life. again, with my wife. so that we can see our children make their own lives, even live to see grandchildren playing in the garden... well, at this point in my life, materials things come after real joy and happiness, which could also be spiritual... nice topic, clear description, laydee...
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
29 Apr 10
Hmmm.. How long have you two married?
• Philippines
26 Apr 10
With the roads overcrowded with cars there's no more sense driving those cars. I'd rather have my dream vacation at least it purifies my soul to visit a lot of places. To enjoy driving I can have some racing games instead. Even that I have no car, I have already learned everything about the beautiful sites on earth. Maybe I'll marry a girl who owns a car so that she's the one who rides me after my dream vacation is over.
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
27 Apr 10
Hahahaha... marry a girl who owns a car. Anyhow, it's good that you acknowledge that there's no more room to drive anyway. Not to mention the number of reckless drivers, I doubt I'd ever drive my dream car in this city!
@annavi23 (6522)
• Philippines
5 May 10
hi laydee, for me i will be glad to choose buying my dream car. we have a big family and most of the time,we go on places when we hang out so it's better to have a van which makes us full riding on it! it's really hard when travelling without your own vehicle. sometimes because we're too many we ride in different vehicles to travel.it's not fun at all when we're riding separately! so i think having our own car/van is the most practical thing and for taking dream vacation,it can always wait! and once you spent the vacation,it only lasts how many days,but when you buy your own car,you can keep it forever! on how much longer you take care of it! while travelling,you can hold it just in your memory alone! see the difference? so,it's much practical to choose a car than vacation!
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
6 May 10
You do have a point there, but in a vacation your family will be able to remember and talk about it forever as well. Vans or cars will have maintenance and soon be sold or be salvaged. Memories last longer.