Have you ever taken a part into a inquiry? What do you think about this ....

April 22, 2010 9:19am CST
Hello dear friends and MyLotters. Today while I was coming back from the university a woman stopped me and asked me how old I am and how much money do I need for a week to live a normal life. And then it just crossed my mind that I can ask you people, have you ever taken a part in a inquiry and what do you actually think about this method of asking questions???
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7 responses
@sunnycool (12714)
• India
22 Apr 10
Few years ago few people visited my place asking for our family details(regarding our family members Age,Work place and number of children and bla bla)---they were from Census Department .whilst some others take details about the consumer goods we use and how long we have been using them----they can be boring and i never thought of completing these kinda oral surveys lol.I never had to enquire anyone for any specific reason---I can be a good actor though ---i can piss them off .great day.
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22 Apr 10
hell0 Sunil! yes, being an actor is something that many people can actually do and then the inquiry can be fake/false becaues of that, that's why i don't belive the results that they show :) BTW Sunil, I watched in the news weeks ago that there is a survey in your country which will last 2 years and there are more than 2 million people who will take a part in it. it would be a census survey, right?
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@sunnycool (12714)
• India
22 Apr 10
One was about state division in our state and the other was about the census---coming to the former there are two groups who were opposing and supporting the partition----so our government had initiated a survey to go further based on the opinions of the citizens.So if the majority goes for Partition then our state would be divided(i'm against this though)---it would take some time
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22 Apr 10
yeah, it would definitely take some time for such many people :)
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@myzire72 (1154)
• Singapore
22 Apr 10
Yes, I have ever been stopped by people doing market surveys of some sort. This is just one of the ways for various organizations or companies to get to know about the masses well, for example, their spending habits, preferred brands, etc. With the results obtained, they can plan their marketing strategies wisely. Well, the questions they ask are just normal everyday life questions. Not difficult to answer though.
22 Apr 10
yeah, they all just ask us some common/normal question, but sometimes they are just boring and annyoing!
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Apr 10
hi phoenix8606 yes several online and over the phone. The one I remember really well was about two and ahalf years ago.I was called up and asked if I was a diabetic. As I was, of course I said yes. Well we are doing a survey for American Diabetes Association.well thats a good cause so I answered question after question, now i had not yet really had my breakfast as it was just nine and she had woke me from my sleep. I started to feel odd, but she was still asking questions so I kept thinking she will be done in a few minutes,but no she then started on questions about who in my family had also had diabete? Now I was seeing spots and knew I was going low, so I said, please I really need to go, and she was going"oh I only have a few questions left" Okay then I found myself sitting on the floor, the phone buzzing like crazy , nobody now on the line, my son standing over me with a glass of orange juice. The questioner had just taken way too long with her questions, and I had gone way too long without food and fainted. the moral is if you are in discomfort during an interview or inquiry or survey like that, just say I cannot do this anymore.have to leave. bye.
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22 Apr 10
yes, surveys like that can really last too long and maybe sometimes it is really better to say one NO than to stay even with hours on the phone and answering some questions which sometimes can be really stupid and naive!
@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
22 Apr 10
I think it's nobody's business!
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22 Apr 10
well, guess you are right.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
22 Apr 10
Hi phoenix! Well! I would first ask why the person wanted to know! And then I would decide if I wanted to answer the questions! You have to be careful who you tell that kind of personal information to! It's like when you are online! You need to be careful who you tell what to because if you aren't careful you could get yourself into alot of trouble! There are too many people out there that are up to no good so you need to know who you are talking to and why they want your personal information!
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23 Apr 10
Hi Opal! well, he told me it was some common inquiry about the amount that the Bulgarian spend for the most needed things like food and drinks. well, I haven't told him nothing personal like some dates because I know thre are all kinds of people and sometimes they can really be a pain in the a** :) if he asked me about something personal then I would just walk away.
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
23 Apr 10
I have participated in a lot of surveys, and I never thought the stastics were right. One I participated in was the Neilsen group, and they would send the results for different surveys. The results never seemed to match what I thought they would be. I could have just been wrong, but I think from what you see and hear, you can judge how most of the people feel about a certain issue. I don't know what advantage they would get from not using the true statistics though.
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• Bulgaria
23 Apr 10
Yes I've been. Usually before elections I have a phone call at least from one party that make some inquiry or from some statistic company. I must admit I'm rather irritated they border me in home. Some times I answer the questions, sometimes not. And I hate questions about my salary or home income. I refuse to answer such questions.