When to say enough is enough

April 22, 2010 12:10pm CST
We all have those friends who rely on us to be there every time they need us to be. Some of these friends are often not there when we need them. So really we are a convenience friend. Take for instance a person who says they are your friend, but then just starts telling people false information. When do you say enough is enough and end the friendship?
3 responses
@jugsjugs (12967)
22 Apr 10
If the person that calls themself a friend said untrue things about you or anyone else then i would try to keep my distance as people like that tend to be the back stabbers.I would make excuses to them so that they did not get chance to say untrue things as that way it saves alot of heart ache.
@piya84 (2581)
• India
22 Apr 10
There are very few people who are reliable.May times to whom we call friends are nothing but just people seeking favor from us.Once they got what they want there you go they are going to behave rude with you and probably going to circulate even false information about you.I have see many such a people and now a days its really difficult to trust some one.
@edorms36 (275)
• United Arab Emirates
22 Apr 10
If the person you thought is a friend and suddenly you learn that he's making up stories which are not true about you, then there's no reason to continue hanging out with this kind of person because in the first place he doesn't really treats and value you as a true friend, he's just pretending to be but he's not because a true friend is someone who will be with you and will stay with you through thick and thin, somebody you can trust and deserves your confidence.