Do you really think Readbud is going to pay us all?

@Jul14nch0 (1414)
April 22, 2010 4:46pm CST
I have seen a lot of people at MyLot joining this website called ReadBud. It seems like we can make one dollar per day there, but the min for cashout is 50 dollars. So it would take almost 2 months to reach it. At some point, a lot of members will reach the cashout limit, do you think Readbud will be able to pay us 50 dollars EACH? What makes you trust this website? For me, it is the "© readbud 2010 All Rights Reserved Owned and operated by The Content Network Australia 2010" I have no idea who they are but that makes they look legit for me
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10 responses
• United States
22 Apr 10
As long as you are the owner of a can change any writing in the footer of the page....that means absolutely nothing. But, it does look nice. You could do a MyLot search and find some very interesting discussions about this site. You will find those who are defending them...and you will find others who are pointing out things about the site, that all members should at least think about....I personally do not belong to the site...My major flaw I find with them is revenue...if every member is making a $1 or more per day....that would mean they have to make 1000's of dollars per day in revenue...I don't see that happening... And this is just the really should do a search of MyLot will find some very interesting reading.
@Jul14nch0 (1414)
• Argentina
22 Apr 10
I ask myself too, before joining a site, if it looks like they can make a profit from our participation. And of course these guys aren't making more than one dollar per day with this. I joined... just in case . Since it dosn't take a lot of time per day to do it and if it become a scam i would notice in about one month.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
22 Apr 10
I am sooooo tempted to link him to that discussion
• United States
1 May 10
Thank you for best response
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
22 Apr 10
No, I don't think they are going to pay you all - or indeed anyone at all. I have not joined but I am so enjoying the discussions here about the site. One of the best topics was not seen by many (maybe because there was too much to read )n and I have left a link to it here and there but all that has happened is that there are now fewer discussions saying 'what a great site'
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@1anurag1 (3576)
• India
23 Apr 10
i am also very suspicious about them. as there are many scams online. i have found many websites but only one really paid me. and that is mylot. but i also work on readbud, with a hope that they will not cheat. not lets see what will happen.
• India
12 Nov 10
I have reached the minimum payout. and this site is not having instant payout. Lets see they will pay me or not...
@bestylish (922)
• Philippines
23 Apr 10
I don't think they'll pay us. I also registered and started rating articles but then I thought that... isn't it a bit too good to be true for them to pay us by just rating the articles. I stopped rating their articles since I find it as a waste of time. If they really pay, then it will be easy to go ahead and once again rate their articles. Happy mylotting and God bless to you guys!
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@Jul14nch0 (1414)
• Argentina
23 Apr 10
Of course, its very good to be true. I decided to stop writing there untill someone at MyLot confirms if it is legit or not. I think thats the only true way for us to know if the site is legit.
• Philippines
8 Jun 10
Im a member of readbud and i think readbud has potential to earn much if they were serious with their program. but a site without a forum is a sign of obvious scam. but for some reason, even though i smell scam with readbud. i visit their site regularly and rate those articles. :D
@erictsuma (9726)
• Mombasa, Kenya
27 Oct 19
I have never use this website yet
@nishdan01 (3051)
• Singapore
23 Apr 10
I think it is legitimate and I am working with the site. I have got few referrals too and I enjoy the work. I have learned so many things reading and rating articles and that is the benefit.
@rsa101 (38076)
• Philippines
24 Apr 10
When I started here in Mylot I have the same apprehensions in here. I really doubted Mylot since the site was very new to me and the only I rely on was the post in here that says Mylot was paying. I trusted them and within 40 days from joining I was able to reach the minimum payout in here. I waited till the next month before I was paid on time as they promised. Now I am applying the same tactics with readbud. I will wait till I finally reach the payout level. If I am paid by that site then thank you and if not I will just moved on with my quest finding sites that pay. I only invested time and effort in there and that is what I lost in there. I have not invested money there so I think I am pretty safe to say I am safe and its worth the risk.
• India
23 Apr 10
Oops!! don't say what makes you think a website is legit :-). Because the scammers who see this discussion will make his/her site just the way that to make more people beleive they;re not scam! :)
@de_toya (2429)
• Indonesia
23 Apr 10
I'm not sure about the payment in redbud. I hope they will pay us. But I have a doubt with it. I've got $12 in my account. Its too far away from minimum payout.