Is one enough?

April 23, 2010 2:34am CST
Moms out there, i'd like to know if one child is enough?
15 responses
@Ritchelle (3790)
• Philippines
24 Apr 10
for me it is. the world is crowded already. more people, more needs, more waste. life is precious whether it is just one or many. a child isn't a kid of a goat that you can just let to wander and let him survive from day one. a person is always a reflection on the hard work his parents put on him. besides, unless income is upped then it just spells misery if more children come and the income stays the same. most importantly for me, a lot of great minds of females are not being taken advantaged of by society because once they give birth that's all they do. great potential stops with motherhood sadly. peace .
@Ritchelle (3790)
• Philippines
25 Apr 10
i've scored a male mind in a psychological test and for one reason or another am proud of it. i think no one can contest what your friend and i think and still run indefinitely with reasons to prove we're wrong. it's because we're right !
• Philippines
24 Apr 10
A guy friend actually told me about that. It's okay to raise your own children but women tend to neglect themselves and after the children grow and face the world, mum will be left at home, aged, while papa is aware of the society for he is going out all the time.
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• Singapore
1 Jul 10
At very first time, I feel one kid is enough for me, now my daughter is four years old, and I feel she is very lonely. Every time she either play with my maid or herself, sometimes she even talks to herself, that makes my mind to change. Now I am trying to have another kid. Actually 2 kids is the best.
• Philippines
2 Jul 10
i think 2 would be really cool, we can raise another one but sending them to school would also be a big responsibility especially the tuition fee. well see... we're (me & hubby) still young, if we'll be given another one
@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
9 May 10
I don't think one child is enough. He or she could grow up a spoiled child. I believe the ideal is a daughter and a son. So that would be two children that have company. Some people have more that two children and I think having three or four children works well too. My sister has four children and people say she is lucky. She has two boys and two girls. I have three children: two boys and one girl. My oldest son is 15 years old. My youngest two are almost three years old and ten months old. Really each person knows how many children he or she wants. Sometimes a lady can have a surprise pregnancy.
• Philippines
12 May 10
hi maximax! yeah i agree, we really would like to have two but then i told my husband it is hard to provide education if we will have another child at the moment so i'm beseeching for at least 3 years so we could be finish paying our house mortgage by then...
3 Jun 10
Yes, one child is enough. I would love to have at least two children though only had a 1% chance of ever concieving so my daughter was a miracle and is perfect. I get down sometimes thinking that my daughter will never grow up with siblings like I did (unless another miracle happens - fingers crossed) though I also feel blessed that I was given my daughter when some people cant have children at all.
• Philippines
3 Jun 10
yeah. my child is really the most precious thing in my life right now. i know a lot of women are praying on their knees just to have even one. if God will give me another one then its another blessing.
• Bulgaria
23 Apr 10
Depends of many things. For me, I would like to have one more kid. I want my child to have a brother or a sister on this earth when I pass by.
• Philippines
23 Apr 10
hi bananamen! that's actually we've planned before my husband and i got married-two kids. now i don't know if i'm giving my kid a sibling. thanks for sharing!
23 Apr 10
I had a one child policy that was unitl my second one came along. Sure I think one is plenty and having a second is much more difficult than having just the one. If you have more than one child you feel you are constantly being torn apart. My two have a seven year age gap and the youngest just wants to roll around n the floor and giggle and the oldest wants cuddle times while I am playing with the youngest. Someone once told me that it was selfish just to have one child, but I don't think that is the case. Now I have to try and share my time and attention equally between the two and I often think that my oldest gets left out a bit.
• Philippines
23 Apr 10
hey! i guess it's hard to say that i'll be sticking to that 1 child policy cause i'm only 30 and my hubby wants 2 girl. i don't i'll cross the bridge when i get there as they say, hayzzzz =)
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
23 Apr 10
of course that varies from woman and couple to woman and couple..I PERSONALLY wanted to have 10-12 children..half my own and half adopted...I ended up having 3 of my own and thats it...but I could definately have and would love to have more but its not in the cards...FOR SOMEONE ELSE one or two is plenty and for others still one or two is too many!
@ik4man (627)
• Malaysia
10 May 10
If i am a housewife...if my husband can give me more than enough facilities to live like to spend, a good house to stay....well! one child is not enough for me.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
25 Apr 10
I never thought that one child was enough for me. I've got two and after my first was born I was immediately ready to have another. The reason that I knew I wanted to have at least two children was because I always knew that I wanted to have at least one girl and one boy. So, I have now a daughter that is seven years old and a son that is three years old. When my son was born I knew that would be enough for me and when he was eight weeks old I went ahead and had a tubal ligation. I wouldn't trade my children for the world.
@advokatku (4033)
• Indonesia
23 Apr 10
although I'm not a mother, I hope, I can provide feedback on your writing .... In my opinion, having a child, it was not enough to make you happy
@stanley777 (9402)
• Philippines
23 Apr 10
I think it's better to have to so that the child would have an immediate friend/bestfriend or someone to talk to- it's always nice to have siblings, you know.
• India
23 Apr 10
Yes for me 1 child is enough because if you do have strong financial then you can think about enough but if not then its very hard & difficult to survive in this world my dear friend so i prefer only one and always be happy all the time.
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
25 Apr 10
Well, i have only one, but she is equal to five haha. Its not like how many you have, just one is more enough and you can grow them at your best is matters.
@tolted (190)
23 Apr 10
Personally, I would love to have two children. I have a girl now, so having a boy won't be a bad idea (hehe) but if I have another girl I'll still be happy. I think as parents we would be accountable for how we bring up our children, so it is not wise bringing more children to the world if we cannot cater for them or be there for them or teach them good values. That will be an irresponsible act. In my opinion. So for me one MORE child is enough. :)
@ghieptc (2522)
• Philippines
23 Apr 10
I'm not yet a mom actually, but as a girl I want to have a policy with "one child" policy and it's enough I guess. Because our population increases the more we need food supplies, prices get higher, and etc...